721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Reflecting on the Psalms

Welcome to your week with the Tree Church Daily. Our rhythm on Sundays is to prepare our hearts and minds for the week ahead! This week, we will be focusing on a select group of Psalms. The Psalms have been an important part of the devotional and worship life of God’s people for millennia. The Psalms are unique in that they are prayers and songs from humanity to God, not the other way around. Yet, they were collected into Scripture as God’s words to us to teach us how to pray and worship.

In the raw beauty, authentic emotion, and honest human struggles expressed throughout the Psalms, we learn how to have genuine faith in the Faithful God, even amid life's turmoil. As you read and pray through the Psalms this week, may you find a framework for your own expressions of doubt, anger, despair, joy, and faith. May you find a deeper connection to the God who hears, cares, and loves you. May the God of all goodness and clarity meet you today, and may He show you “…the way of life” (Psalm 16:11 NLT) and give you a greater desire for “…the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever” (Psalm 16:11 NLT). Amen.
For your time with God today, pray through the following prompts. Make them your own and expand on them as the Spirit leads you.
  • Pray through these prayers.
  • Ask God to open your heart and mind to see what He wants to do in your life this week.
  • Pray for God to use your time at church today to bring clarity to the situations on your mind.
  • Ask God to connect one of these Psalms to your heart, and let it encourage, convict, challenge, and empower you.

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