721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Overcoming Fear To Share Hope

Take 2-3 minutes to quiet yourself and ask God to speak to you today through your devotional time.  

Reading: Romans 10:12-15, 1 Peter 3:13-17

 Be sure to highlight or note anything that stands out to you while you read.  
After reading the passage, take the next 5-10 minutes and spend time reflecting on what you read. You can write these things down in a journal or record them in your phone. Be attentive to both what you highlighted in the passage and what is going on in your life.

Sharing our faith can be intimidating, but these passages remind us of the urgency and importance of spreading the good news. Reflect on your own journey with Christ - what hope has He given you? Your story of transformation is powerful. Today, write down your testimony focusing on the hope you've found in Christ. Pray for an opportunity to share this hope with someone who needs it. Remember, it's not about having all the answers, but about sharing the authentic hope you've experienced in Jesus.

What fears hold you back from sharing your faith? How can remembering the hope Christ has given you overcome those fears?

Now, take 10 minutes to seek God in prayer…  
  1. Begin your time in prayer by taking 1-3 minutes to sit in silence (You can take longer if you sense the Spirit already beginning to speak to you).    
  2. Pray through the things you sensed God speaking to you through the Scriptures or pray the following prayer: Lord, thank You for the hope You’ve given me. Give me courage to share that hope with others, not in fear but with gentleness and love. Amen.
  3. Close by taking 5 minutes to sit in silence, asking God if there is anything else He wants to speak to you today.  

Take Action:
Write down your testimony, focusing on how Christ has given you hope. Pray for an opportunity to share it with someone this week.

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