721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm


Nov 4, 2021    Mary Johnson

Jeremiah 4:3-4 (ESV)

Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the LORD; remove the foreskin of your hearts, O men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; lest my wrath go forth like fire, and burn with none to quench it, because of the evil of your deeds.


In this passage the prophet Jeremiah, in God’s name, is speaking to men of Judah and Jerusalem. He is using bold language to call them to repentance. He uses some metaphors that would have been very relatable to the people of that time to challenge them to make some changes in their lives.

Fallow ground is ground that has not been used or has been left unsown for a time in order to produce more in the future. It hasn’t been fruitful for a period, but it can be. We are being told to start breaking that ground up, meaning to start turning over areas in our hearts and lives that haven’t been fruitful, but have the potential to produce. Now is the time! Trying to produce good seed among thorns is silly and useless. The metaphor to not sow among thorns is meaning to be intentional about how we are living. When the passage talks about circumcising our hearts, it is representing the cutting away of the sin that is in our lives. Not just saying that we are getting rid of it, but truly doing it.

This passage goes on to talk about the consequences from God if the people (us included) don’t do what He is asking of them. It’s vivid and self-explanatory. The fire will remain as long as there is something for it to burn. If we want to remove God’s wrath, we must address the sin in our lives.

So, what do we do? We should:

• Identify sin in our lives
• Confess those sins
• Receive God’s forgiveness
• Ask God for help in turning from sin (this includes making wise decisions on where we should hang out, what we should expose ourselves to, and who we allow in our lives).
• Make tough lifestyle changes

God is merciful, but God is also clear on how He views sin. We have the opportunity to address sin right now, and we need to do so with urgency. By doing so, we will experience the true life that only God offers. God could justly choose to pour out His wrath on us, but by His grace, He uses the refining process to bring us into true life that brings us true fulfillment. What an amazing God!


1. When you know that someone has your best interest in mind, how does that make you feel?

2. Do you truly believe that God has your best interest in mind? Why?

3. Right this minute, list some areas of sin in your life where God is convicting you. (ex: not placing God as your priority, not tithing 10% of your income to God, giving in to anger, not being faithful to your spouse).

4. Go through the steps above to address those sins.

5. Dealing with/confessing sin is never fun, but do you feel better once you do it?

Devo Plus:

Read Lamentations 3:22-23. How does it make you feel to know that the God who wants you to address your sin is steadfast, and that His mercies are new every morning?


God we are so grateful that You desire for us to experience the life that only You offer. It’s hard to address sin and make changes in our lives, but we are so thankful that we don’t have to do it alone. You are there with us, encouraging us, and ready to welcome us with open arms. Thank You for who You are and Your endless love for us.