721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Women’s Ordination

As Pastors and Elders at The Tree Church, we are asked questions regarding our understanding of what scripture says to the church. Without a denominational body to dictate what we teach and why we teach it, the leadership of The Tree Church wishes to clarify the official positions of our church body. In creating an official position, we acknowledge the varying opinions held by brothers and sisters in Christ who disagree with the positions held within these pages. The Tree Church holds to these convictions with humility, but also with confidence that our interpretation is based on the best evidence for understanding scripture. We hope these papers clarify our position, but we also invite discussion. If you disagree or have questions about our position, we hope this paper will lead to a conversation where we can grow together in our understanding of God’s words to us.

To read the paper, click the link below.

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