721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

My Soul Finds Rest

During this series, we will be exploring reasons we may feel distant from God. Seeing that this ministry is all about helping to create a connection with God, we wanted to take you through some different practices to help you explore your life and the things that hinder you from experiencing God’s presence in your life.

Each Wednesday, you will receive a scripture to read, a series of reflection questions, and a link to a worship song. Take time to read or listen through the scripture and note any key points that stick out to you. This is often how God speaks to us, so pay close attention and listen for those moments that make you excited, scared, convicted, or encouraged. The reflection questions supplied will guide you into a time of thinking about how and why it is important to seek God’s presence in our lives. And then finally there will be a link to a YouTube video with worship music. This is supplied to create time to pray and seek God. You can use your own music or sit in silence but be sure to close your time by asking God to draw near to you.

I pray that as you explore what it means to be close to God and why we sometimes feel distant, it creates a hunger for more of God’s presence in your life.

Psalm 62:1-2 (CSB)

I am at rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my
salvation, my stronghold; I will never be shaken.


  1.  When faced with trials, tribulations, sorrow, or defeat, we cannot find solace looking inward to ourselves or outward to other people. We can only find rest when we look upward to God. Spend some time right now looking upward.
  2.  Spend 5 minutes in silence. Meditate on the verse above. Fix your gaze upward.
  3.  Spend 15-20 in prayer and worship. Turn on some worship music, open your arms, and take a posture of worship, lifting your face towards heaven.
  4.  Spend 5-10 minutes journaling about your time with God.


  1.  God I Look to You (acoustic) | Jenn Johnson
  2.  Your Love Never Fails | Jesus Culture
  3.  Rooftops | Jesus Culture

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