721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Posts with the tag “grace”

To Identify Us to Christ
by Victoria Probasco on October 16th, 2024
Grace has triumphed over the power of sin and shame! As we continue in the series Following Jesus, we see the perfect example of this witnessed in the act of baptism. Let us pray together:Father, thank You for the gift of baptism and for being the God of second chances. Your mercies are new every morning and we are so grateful! God, I ask for You to soften my heart today. If there is an area of my...  Read More
Repentance Prepares the Way
by Julie Lazarus on October 7th, 2024
This week, we will be exploring the idea of repentance. Today, we are specifically focusing on preparing the way for the Lord through repentance. Let’s start off with prayer so that our hearts can be ready to receive what God wants us to hear today:Dear Jesus, thank You for making the way for us to be in relationship with You through Your death and resurrection. I acknowledge that You are God, and...  Read More
Washed and Renewed
by Cheyenne Miller on August 20th, 2024
Today, we are going to talk about how we were given a gift in our salvation. The gift of the Holy Spirit. Let’s first begin with some prayer.God, thank You for today. Thank You for another day that I get to live out Your plan for my life. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit that walks alongside me. I wouldn’t be able to do this life without You, so thank You. Be with me today. Guide my thoug...  Read More
It’s Grace that Saves
by Nathan Fulk on August 19th, 2024
The wonderful blessing of salvation is something none of us could ever earn by our own doing. God’s grace did this for us! He eternally saves every believer who places their faith in Him. We cannot earn it, but only receive this free gift. Let’s pray….Heavenly Father, thank You for salvation. Thank You for saving a sinner like me. I’m so glad there is nothing I must do to be saved. I only need to ...  Read More
A Life Pleasing to God
by Mary Johnson on August 16th, 2024
Today we are looking at Psalm 15 where David asks and answers the question, “Who can be in God’s presence?”. It is an intimidating and scary question to ask, but also encouraging when we know the answer. We are going to look at the topic of what it means to live a life pleasing to God. Let’s start off with prayer.God, I desire and need Your presence. I want to live a life that is pleasing to You, ...  Read More
Peace with Others
by Chris Reed on July 14th, 2024
Sundays at Tree Church Daily are a day to prepare our hearts for what God wants to do in us through corporate worship. We need the Spirit to lead us and show us what He is doing currently and how He wants to move in our life. This involves praying and asking Him to allow us to be aware of His activity in our lives.  If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray...  Read More
by Sophia Redzinak on July 2nd, 2024
We have been walking through our current series of Following Jesus, and this week we are focusing on the concept of peace with God towards us. Today we will discuss how we can stand faultless in the presence of God.Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace. I ask You to remind me of the freedom I have access to in Your name. Amen.Colossians 1:19-22 (NLT)19   For God in all his fulln...  Read More
Peace with God
by Julie Lazarus on July 1st, 2024
This week we will be focusing on how we can obtain peace in our relationship with God, so we can live daily and victoriously in His grace.Let’s start our time together today in prayer:Lord Jesus, I am so privileged to be able to step into a conversation with You any time I want to! Your presence is so precious to me. I pray that as I read about and contemplate Your amazing grace toward me, that Yo...  Read More
We All Fall Short
by Renee Frederick on June 17th, 2024
As we continue in the series “Following Jesus,” we will explore what it means to be righteous in the eyes of God. Before we dig deeper into today’s topic, let’s pray and invite the Holy Spirit into this time of learning and self-reflection.Heavenly Father, thank You for the love and grace You extend to me each and every day. There are so many questions I have about what You want from me, and how I...  Read More
The Bride of Christ
by Jennifer Sosniak on April 5th, 2024
This week we are exploring how God and His ways are often confusing, yet it’s in the cross that God’s ways begin to make sense. Jesus laid down His life for the church (His bride). How should this impact your life as a Christ-follower? Take a moment to reflect and begin with a simple prayer.Heavenly Father, sometimes I get confused and wander. Sometimes I don’t take things as seriously as I should...  Read More



