721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Posts with the tag “sacrifice”

The Wonder of Reconciliation
by Tree Church Daily on December 13th, 2024
Open by taking 2-3 minutes to pray and ask God to speak to you today through your devotional time.  Read Colossians 1:1-22. Be sure to highlight or note anything that stands out to you while you read.  After reading the passage, take the next 5-10 minutes and spend time reflecting on what you read. You can write these things down in a journal or record them in your phone. Be attentive to both what...  Read More
Our Perfect Sacrifice
by Terri Byron on June 19th, 2024
Over the past weeks, we have been looking at what is takes to be a true follower of Christ. This week's focus has been on righteousness, which means right standing with God. Yesterday, we examined how Jesus was crushed for our sins, and today, we are focusing on Jesus Christ as our perfect sacrifice. Please join me in prayer as we ask God to open our hearts to learn from His word.Heavenly Father, ...  Read More
Living for Christ
by Cheyenne Miller on May 16th, 2024
Today, we are going to talk about living our lives for Christ. More specifically, how our lives should look if we truly believe that Jesus died for our sins. Before we do so, let’s take a moment to prepare our hearts.God, be with me in this moment. Prepare my heart for the things You are going to speak to me. Allow me to be open and honest with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.2 Corinthians 5:15 (NLT)15 ...  Read More
Embracing the Unlovables
by Renee Frederick on May 10th, 2024
Week two of the series “Following Jesus” is all about how Jesus showed His enduring love to all people, especially the sinners and outcasts who no one else would love.Let’s start today with this prayer. As you read or listen, invite God into your heart.Dear Lord, You are so good to me, even when I am struggling to do Your will. Thank You, God, for always forgiving me, and giving me another chance ...  Read More
Called to Serve
by Kara Stephens on April 17th, 2024
Culture tells us that status, power, and influence are what’s important, that in order to be successful, we need to have these attributes. But Jesus came into the world and completely changed that narrative. Today we are reflecting on the idea of being a servant. Let’s start off with praying that God opens our hearts to hear what He has to say.Lord, I pray that You help me have an open heart and a...  Read More



