721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Tithing as an Act of Faith

Open by taking 2-3 minutes to pray and ask God to speak to you today through your devotional time.    

Read Malachi 3:6-18, Matthew 23:23. Be sure to highlight or note anything that stands out to you while you read.  

After reading the passage, take the next 5-10 minutes and spend time reflecting on what you read. You can write these things down in a journal or record them in your phone. Be attentive to both what you highlighted in the passage and what is going on in your life.  

The concept of tithing is deeply rooted in Scripture, and Jesus Himself affirmed its importance. Tithing isn't just about financial obedience; it's an act of faith that acknowledges God's provision and sovereignty in our lives. As we read God's challenge in Malachi to "test Me in this," we're invited to trust God's faithfulness. Today, prayerfully consider your approach to tithing. If you're not tithing, what fears or doubts are holding you back? If you are tithing, are you doing so joyfully and faithfully? How might your life change if you fully embraced this practice of faith?

Now, take 10 minutes to seek God in prayer…  
  1. Begin your time in prayer by taking 1-3 minutes to sit in silence (You can take longer if you sense the Spirit already beginning to speak to you).    
  2. Ask God to give you the courage to take this step of faith. Ask Him to speak to any fears that may have and remind you of His provision.  
  3. Close by taking 5 minutes to sit in silence, asking God if there is anything else He wants to speak to you today.

1 Comment

ruthy - February 5th, 2025 at 7:16am

I really loved Malachi‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬ ‭ which said that people will see the difference between those who serve Him and those who do not. So as it says in Matthew as well, we must continue to have mercy, fairness, & faithfulness. If we do not practice the more important things of the law, how will unbelievers know we are believers?



