721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Posts with the tag “peace”

The Sword of Truth
by Tree Church Everyday on March 12th, 2025
Take 2-3 minutes to quiet yourself and ask God to speak to you today through your devotional time.  Reading: Matthew 10:34-39Be sure to highlight or note anything that stands out to you while you read.  After reading the passage, take the next 5-10 minutes and spend time reflecting on what you read. You can write these things down in a journal or record them in your phone. Be attentive to both wha...  Read More
Trusting God with Everything
by Tree Church Daily on January 10th, 2025
Open by taking 2-3 minutes to pray and ask God to speak to you today through your devotional time.    Read Matthew 6:25-34 and Philippians 4. Be sure to highlight or note anything that stands out to you while you read.  After reading the passage, take the next 5-10 minutes and spend time reflecting on what you read. You can write these things down in a journal or record them in your phone. Be atte...  Read More
Nothing is Too Small
by Heather Fox on September 4th, 2024
We continue this week in the series Following Jesus, focusing more on how prayer is an essential piece of the armor of God and how we can apply it to our lives. Before we begin, let’s start with a prayer.Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You for Your presence in our lives. I pray that we learn and understand the integral part prayer can have in our lives and that we can make prayer a habit....  Read More
Our Refuge in Times of Trouble
by Abby Cannon on July 25th, 2024
Today we are studying the idea of God as our refuge in times of trouble. Let’s begin in a simple prayer as we consider and study today’s psalm:Holy Spirit, my safe and secure retreat, help me to reflect on Your word as I analyze what it means to run to You in times of trouble. I welcome Your presence in my life today and in these next few moments of study. Amen.Psalm 9 (NLT)
1 I will praise you, L...  Read More
The Good News of Peace
by Sophia Redzinak on July 19th, 2024
The greatest news the world could ever receive. Jesus Christ made a way for everyone to be a part of the Church body with His redeeming work on the cross. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can have peace with everyone who claims His name.Let’s begin with a simple prayer. I encourage you to make it your prayer as we go through today’s devotion.Heavenly Father, thank You for the unity of Your...  Read More
Search for Peace
by Jennifer Sosniak on July 18th, 2024
This week, we are exploring what it means to be intentional in your search for peace. Take a moment and begin with this simple prayer.Heavenly Father, thank You for all You have done for me. Help me to always remember the many blessings I have had over the years, and when things get rough, to focus on You and my current blessings. I pray You point me back to Your word in all circumstances. Thank Y...  Read More
Live in Harmony
by Nathan Fulk on July 17th, 2024
As followers of Jesus, we are called to live in such a way that we look different to the outside world. The way we interact with others matters; it should be like the way Jesus acted toward others. He lived a sacrificial life, always placing other’s needs before His own, and we should too. In Tree Church Kids, we use the scripture Matthew 7:12: Treat others the way you want to be treated. I think ...  Read More
Favor From Above
by Brad Davis on July 16th, 2024
As we continue in the Following Jesus series, we are exploring the idea of being at peace with those who oppose us. This is no easy task. Let’s invite the presence of the Lord to lead us and speak to our hearts.Jesus, we know that You bless those who commit to follow Your truth for righteous living. May everyone around me see Your grace, and experience Your love through my words and actions. Amen....  Read More
Reflecting On Peace with Us Toward God
by Mary Johnson on July 13th, 2024
Saturday is a day to reflect on all that God has been speaking to you this week, and how it will affect your life going forward.From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope that you have had an impactful week in your time with God! We pray that you were challenged and encouraged by God’s word and His presence in your daily life.Today, we want you to do something simple yet important. We...  Read More
Choose Peace
by Terri Byron on July 12th, 2024
Yesterday, we looked at God’s wonderful purpose for our life to become like Jesus. Today, we are spending our time keeping with the theme of peace with us towards God and reflecting on the truth that God has made His peace available to each of us. God provides us with clear instruction in today’s passage of how we can experience His peace. Let us start by inviting God into this time through prayer...  Read More
Becoming Like Jesus
by Corey Brown on July 11th, 2024
This week, we’ve tackled the truth that we often feel disappointed with God during challenging seasons. His ways can be mysterious and confusing. We grapple with understanding God’s purpose in pain, as it stands in contrast to the peace we desire. Scripture gives us assurance that these moments develop character and a deeper trust in God’s plan. The path to finding peace during these difficult tim...  Read More
The Sanctuary of God
by Jenna Reese on July 8th, 2024
This week, we are continuing to unpack the good news of peace as we go deeper in our journey as disciples of Jesus. We live in a world that is often the opposite of peaceful, so let’s ask Him to quiet the noise in our environments, our heads, and our hearts to hear what He wants to say to us today.Oh Lord, my head swirls with the demands and responsibilities of life and the thousands of other voic...  Read More
Peace with Us Toward God
by Renee Frederick on July 7th, 2024
We are purposed to set aside Sundays at the Tree Church Daily as a special time to engage our hearts and minds in worship, prayer, and fellowship. It is a day to devote to God, and for seeking His will for our lives. This involves praying and asking the Holy Spirit to speak His truth to us. As you start your day, let’s pray… Heavenly Father, sometimes I don’t understand Your ways. I feel confused ...  Read More
Reflecting on Peace With God Towards Us
by Mary Stalter on July 6th, 2024
Saturday is a day to reflect on all that God has been speaking to you this week, and how it will affect your life going forward.From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope that you have had an amazing week in your time with God. We pray that you were challenged and encouraged by God’s word and His presence in your daily life.Today, we want you to do something simple yet important. We w...  Read More
My Peace
by Abby Cannon on July 4th, 2024
This week, as we continue in the “Following Jesus” series, we are studying the idea of peace in the midst of an unpeaceful reality. I’d like to begin with a simple prayer, and I hope will join along as we continue in today’s devotion:Holy Spirit, my Peaceful Comforter, help me to consider Your word today as I take time to examine what it means to live in peace – even when situations and things aro...  Read More
by Sophia Redzinak on July 2nd, 2024
We have been walking through our current series of Following Jesus, and this week we are focusing on the concept of peace with God towards us. Today we will discuss how we can stand faultless in the presence of God.Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace. I ask You to remind me of the freedom I have access to in Your name. Amen.Colossians 1:19-22 (NLT)19   For God in all his fulln...  Read More
Peace With God Toward Us
by Chris Reed on June 30th, 2024
Sundays at Tree Church Daily are a day to prepare our hearts for what He wants to do through corporate worship. We need the Spirit to lead us and show us what He is doing currently and wants to do in us. This involves praying and asking Him to allow us to be aware of His activity in our lives.  If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray the prayer below, ant...  Read More
Clarity to God’s Ways
by Renee Frederick on April 14th, 2024
We are purposed to set aside Sundays at Tree Church Daily as a special time to prepare our hearts and minds for fellowship, worship, and prayer. It is a day to devote to God, and to learn more about what He wants for our lives. This involves praying and actively seeking His presence as we gather together.   If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray along wi...  Read More






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