The Day of Pentecost
“The mountain moving, sea parting, chain breaking, prison wall shaking, master of the winds and waves, creator of the Universe, IS IN YOU.”
Acts 2:1-4 (ESV)
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
We are all given something so much greater. We are given God’s Spirit dwelling within us. His Spirit guides us. His Spirit leads us. His Spirit confirms our choices, opens our eyes, directs our thoughts, and allows others to witness miracles and feel His presence.
We are walking around with the most extraordinary power in the world, the answers you seek, the peace your heart desires, the love the world needs...already inside of you when the Spirit of God is invited into your life. Everything changes when God’s Spirit pours upon you.
The Holy Spirit arrived as promised and continues to show up today. With the sound of wind and the appearance of flaming tongues, the disciples are filled with the Spirit and speak languages they did not know beforehand (Verses 2-3).
Don’t let that scare you or confuse you. It doesn’t have to be weird. God’s Spirit is His power living within you. It is His voice inside of you. His divine wisdom imparted to you. This is where those “gut” feelings come from. Those tingly, spider senses, those goosebump moments. That keen awareness and prompting. But it isn’t your gut. You’re not a spider. Those are holy goosebumps, and the Spirit of the Almighty guides and directs you just as He promised.
If you have asked Him, He now lives IN you. This is where your strength, guidance, and peace come from. This is what sustains you and gives you hope. Do you need a fresh anointing of His Spirit today, an extra dose of His power, a thick layer of His providence, or a double helping of His peace?
The mountain moving, sea parting, chain breaking, prison wall shaking, master of the winds and waves, creator of the Universe, IS IN YOU.
This is MIRACULOUS! The same power that created the entire universe is now living inside of you, which means you are POWERFUL. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within you, meaning life and healing are inside of you. The same power that shook the prison walls and broke the chains is packed deep within your soul, which means nothing can hold you back. The same power that turned water into wine is inside you, meaning you can change hearts and help point others to Jesus. And the best part? He still exists today and is working in and through you!
Action Steps
Sit quietly and listen to the song “Fresh Wind” by Hillsong Worship. Pray, reflect, and invite Him to pour His Spirit upon you.
Lord, I am here today to receive Your fresh anointing. I cannot do this life on my own. I need Your Spirit within me, covering my mind, guiding my thoughts, restoring my perspective, and empowering me to change my attitude. I ask that You lead every part of my life. I trust You, Holy Spirit, as I know You will work in me to do impossible things. I ask that You supernaturally guide my words and next steps to help me point others who aren’t saved to You. I pray this in Your Almighty Name, amen.
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
We are all given something so much greater. We are given God’s Spirit dwelling within us. His Spirit guides us. His Spirit leads us. His Spirit confirms our choices, opens our eyes, directs our thoughts, and allows others to witness miracles and feel His presence.
We are walking around with the most extraordinary power in the world, the answers you seek, the peace your heart desires, the love the world needs...already inside of you when the Spirit of God is invited into your life. Everything changes when God’s Spirit pours upon you.
The Holy Spirit arrived as promised and continues to show up today. With the sound of wind and the appearance of flaming tongues, the disciples are filled with the Spirit and speak languages they did not know beforehand (Verses 2-3).
Don’t let that scare you or confuse you. It doesn’t have to be weird. God’s Spirit is His power living within you. It is His voice inside of you. His divine wisdom imparted to you. This is where those “gut” feelings come from. Those tingly, spider senses, those goosebump moments. That keen awareness and prompting. But it isn’t your gut. You’re not a spider. Those are holy goosebumps, and the Spirit of the Almighty guides and directs you just as He promised.
If you have asked Him, He now lives IN you. This is where your strength, guidance, and peace come from. This is what sustains you and gives you hope. Do you need a fresh anointing of His Spirit today, an extra dose of His power, a thick layer of His providence, or a double helping of His peace?
The mountain moving, sea parting, chain breaking, prison wall shaking, master of the winds and waves, creator of the Universe, IS IN YOU.
This is MIRACULOUS! The same power that created the entire universe is now living inside of you, which means you are POWERFUL. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within you, meaning life and healing are inside of you. The same power that shook the prison walls and broke the chains is packed deep within your soul, which means nothing can hold you back. The same power that turned water into wine is inside you, meaning you can change hearts and help point others to Jesus. And the best part? He still exists today and is working in and through you!
Action Steps
Sit quietly and listen to the song “Fresh Wind” by Hillsong Worship. Pray, reflect, and invite Him to pour His Spirit upon you.
Lord, I am here today to receive Your fresh anointing. I cannot do this life on my own. I need Your Spirit within me, covering my mind, guiding my thoughts, restoring my perspective, and empowering me to change my attitude. I ask that You lead every part of my life. I trust You, Holy Spirit, as I know You will work in me to do impossible things. I ask that You supernaturally guide my words and next steps to help me point others who aren’t saved to You. I pray this in Your Almighty Name, amen.
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