721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

By Faith

“Let’s trust in who God says He is and believe He will do what He says He’ll do.”

Hebrews 11:1-2, 31 (ESV)

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation.
By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.


A few years ago, I felt a whisper in my heart. It was gentle and loving, and my heart was consumed, my spirit stirred. It was like a seed had been placed deeply in the most inner core of my being. I prayed, and God lit my path – He wanted me to start a ministry for moms.

I proceeded in conversation with God. “God, are you sure? I’m not a seasoned mom. I’m not an expert in biblical theology.”

God responded, “You are not qualified, but through Me, you are.”

I immediately felt tears swell up and run down my face. By faith, I started taking scary steps.
Yes, faith can be scary.

  • It forces us to leave our own logic, comfort, past, and qualifications.
  • It drives us to consider and weigh everything at stake.
  • It requires us to see past the physical and enter the unknown, trusting fully in God.

Rahab’s story demonstrates a faith that counters any fear opposing God’s calling.

Rahab, living in Jericho, heard accounts of the Israelites taking over cities in unprecedented ways. Two spies sent by the Israelite army, enemies of Rahab’s people, entered her home. This was the moment when Rahab stepped into the unknown and took a scary step of faith. How did she respond to the spies? She welcomed them.

How she responded contradicts logic. Why did she welcome the spies? She knew in her heart that their God was the true God of Heaven and Earth, and that day, she chose to follow Him.  The Israelites ended up taking over Jericho. By faith, Rahab and her family were saved. By faith, Rahab, once a prostitute, became part of establishing Jesus’ lineage.

Friends, faith is bigger than our fears, logic, and circumstances. Let’s trust in who God says He is and believe He will do what He says He’ll do. It’s having faith in God that gives us confidence for what’s to come, even when our eyes cannot see. Are you willing to take a step of faith today?

Action Step

Like Rahab, there are many more great examples of faith in the Bible. By faith, Noah built an ark to save his family. By faith, Abraham traveled to a foreign land. By faith, Sarah conceived Isaac in her old age. By faith, Moses led God’s people out of captivity. By faith, (enter your name and fill in the blank).


Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. Help me to have faith even when my eyes cannot see past my current situation. Please give me wisdom and confidence to follow Your call. Thank You for being with me, in every step, in every moment, and in every season. You are faithful, good, and loving. In Your name, amen.

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