721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Joined Together

Matthew 19:4-6 (NLT)

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”


Sometimes I’m annoyed by the permanence of glue. The sole purpose of glue is to bond or join two things together, and glue is really great at doing what it does. Glue can be problematic, however, when you try and separate the two things you intentionally bonded together. That’s because when we glue things together, we usually do so with the intention that it will be permanent. If we then try to pull the two things apart again, it usually ends in a frustrating situation.

Just as glue is designed for permanence, marriage and sex are designed by God for the same purpose - to bond or join two things together in way that nothing else can. They join two into one in the most profound way. It’s no wonder that we are exploring these topics as we look at what holiness looks like in the life a believer. The oneness that marriage and sex create is meant to be a permanent bond. It’s not a knock-off Elmer’s glue type of hold; it is a super(natural) glue type of hold.

Things get problematic, however, when marital separation occurs and sex is used in a way that doesn’t honor God and your spouse. There is, however, a major difference (and I need you to hear this!) between someone devastated by these two things who surrenders their life to God and someone devastated by these two things who refuses to surrender their life to God. Remember, God is our great Redeemer, and He can and will meet you in your storm!

This is the promise we have been given in our gracious and powerful God.

Today, if you find yourself in a situation where marriage and sex have stepped outside of God’s perfect plan, don’t remain there. Start surrendering it all to God right now. Spend time with Him, seek His presence, sit quietly, and listen intently. Repeat these steps often, and when the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart, receive it. Let His love comfort and convict you and obey the steps He asks you to take. The life that God calls you to live in these areas (and any area of life) can never be achieved apart from Him.

Action Steps

1. Find a quiet place and spend some time surrendering areas of your life to God that need His supernatural wisdom, healing, and direction. Invite Him into any hurt or brokenness you’re experiencing in your life today, particularly as it relates to marriage and/or sex.

2. Sit quietly in God’s presence and pay attention to how He stirs your heart. Is He offering you comfort? Is He asking you to take some steps of obedience? Is He offering His grace and forgiveness? Remember, our God is good and faithful.


God, help my mind and heart to firmly embrace the holiness that can only be attained by surrendering to You. Jesus, thank You for being holy and for being our sacrifice. It is only because of You that I can find healing, hope, and restoration in every area of my life. Help me to have the strength to do each next step you ask of me.  Amen.

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