721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Jesus Is with the Culturally Rejected

Sundays at the Tree Church Daily are a day to seek what God is doing in our lives as we prepare to worship together. Let’s ask the Spirit to open our eyes, ears, and hearts to what He is already working at in our lives. If you are newer to prayer and looking for what God wants to speak to you, pray along with an expectant heart that God might be leading you closer to Him through this week’s topic.

Let’s pray…
Holy Spirit, help me to see where You are at work in my life. You have promised to never leave me, and Jesus promised we would always have You with us. As I set aside time to spend with You today, I pray that You would give me the courage not to mask or avoid thinking on the feelings that come with the thought of being rejected. At the same time, help me to see the places where I overlook others to feel comfortable about my own life. Teach me Your heart toward those who are rejected and overlooked. Amen.

We are continuing in the Jesus is With series. This week, we will look at the first people invited to witness Christ the King’s arrival. It wasn’t the rulers in Herod’s palace or the religious leaders in the Temple that God announced His arrival to. It was the shepherd boys and girls in the hills of Bethlehem. Their time and culture were ok to let them roam the countryside, unconcerned about their contribution or importance, other than keeping the sheep protected and fed. God chose them to see Him and to tell the world about Him. This has always been God’s mode of operation. He seeks the lost, overlooked, and forgotten, inviting them into salvation and then sending them out to tell the world that the King is here.  

As you spend time today thinking about this idea, take 4-5 minutes to mentally answer these questions.

Have you ever had a situation where you felt overlooked or unwanted? How did you handle that situation?

Is there a person or a group of people who you consistently dismiss in your mind? Where might this idea challenge you this week?

Close your time today talking with God about your thoughts. You can just start talking to Him, or you can use the following prompts to help you get started.

God, I didn’t like being overlooked because it made me feel…

God, I don’t enjoy being around ____ because…

Now embrace this posture of listening to God during your time of worship and teaching at church today, and anticipate all that God wants to show you!

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