721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Jesus Is With the Broken

Sundays at Tree Church Daily are a day to seek what God is doing in our lives as we gather. We need the Spirit to prepare us by opening our eyes, ears, and hearts to His presence and activity today. If you are newer to prayer and looking for what God wants to speak to you today, pray along, anticipating that God will meet you wherever you find yourself in this moment.  

Let’s pray…
Father, help me! I sometimes get lost in the details of my own life and get so swept into what I think and feel that seeing You and what You are doing in my life is hard. It gets muddled with my own thoughts and there is insecurity with whether You are even with me. Please show me today that You are with me, leading me, and guiding me. I need You because I am so small in a world that is far bigger than me. I need You because I am broken and weary and I live in a world that is broken and weary. I need You because I can’t and don’t want to do life on my own. So be my wisdom, my strength, and my comfort today. Amen.

We are in week three of the Jesus is With series. We have talked about how Jesus came to be with sinners, with the culturally rejected, and today, we look at how Jesus came to be with the broken. The world we live in is filled with so much beauty and wonder. Our own lives are full of moments of goodness, love, and peace. Yet we do not have to think hard to find just as many moments of pain and sorrow. We don’t have to look long to see the injustice and destruction in the world. The rebellion of humanity against God (Genesis 3) resulted in a brokenness that has touched everything. From the very structure of creation, to the most hidden and private of our thoughts, we know that life on this planet is often chaotic, unsettled, and destructive. Jesus steps into the brokenness of this world, into the brokenness of our lives to restore. He does so by doing the only thing that could ever bring peace to our lives and our world: he restores the relationship with the God who always intended it for goodness, for peace, and for life.

As you spend time today thinking about this idea, take 4-5 minutes to mentally answer these questions:

In what ways do you see the brokenness of the world around you?

In what ways do you see the brokenness of your own life

Close your time today talking with God about your thoughts here. You can simply start by talking to Him or you can use the following prompts to help you get started, taking as much time as you need.

God, I often don’t know how to process all the brokenness I see. It doesn’t make sense to me that this broken thing could happen…(now talk to God about the brokenness you see.)

God, I have experienced so much pain in my own life…(now talk to God about the pain of your own life.)

Stay in this posture of talking and listening to God. As you go into your time of worship and teaching at church today, ask God to speak to you and be prepared to listen!

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