My Only Aim
Acts 20:22-24 (NLT)
“And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
Paul certainly sets the bar high when it comes to his desire and commitment to serve the Lord. He was so grateful to God for giving him a path to salvation, that he dedicated the rest of his days spreading the Good News of salvation to as many souls as he could.
In today’s scripture, Paul was very clear about how much the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit guided him in his daily life. The choices he made. The paths he took. Paul’s only goal for the remainder of his days was to finish life well. How did Paul define this?
1Dr. Charles Stanley provides insight into this question by listing some of Paul’s attributes:
Humility – Paul spread the gospel because he believed the grace that was sufficient to save a sinner like him was adequate for anyone.
A sense of obligation – The apostle never lost sight of how far God’s grace had brought him.
A sense of dependence – Paul desired more of Jesus and none of himself (Philippians 3:8).
A spirit of absolute confidence – At the end of his life, Paul was as certain as ever that God was real, in charge, and worthy of all honor, glory, and praise (2 Timothy 4:6-8).
Now, ask yourself, how would you define “finishing life well”? Does it include planning with purpose so that you faithfully serve God freely and cheerfully? If we emulate Paul (who was in turn emulating Christ Jesus), would we finish life well?
1“The Attitude of a Saint” by In Touch Ministries
Action Steps
Do you realize how much easier it is to remain strong in your faith when you are surrounded by like-minded people? Think about what positive steps you can take to surround yourself with Christians who can provide you with love, support, counsel, and acceptance. Are you attending services regularly? Are you part of a Connect Group? Are there any volunteer opportunities you would like to explore? Come up with a plan to surround yourself with people who will help you in your faith walk, and in no time, you will be ready to provide encouragement and support to others who desperately need to hear the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
Heavenly Father, as I begin another new year, let me be ever mindful of all You have already done for me. Facing a new year can be full of questions, worries, and fear as to what the future holds. But I know that with the Holy Spirit in my life, I will be ready to face whatever challenges come my way. Your love and the power of Your mercy will sustain me in the new year, and for as long as I am here on this earth. Help me, Lord, to find ways to use my time wisely. Thank You for my yesterdays, my today, and my tomorrows. In Jesus’ name, amen.
“And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
Paul certainly sets the bar high when it comes to his desire and commitment to serve the Lord. He was so grateful to God for giving him a path to salvation, that he dedicated the rest of his days spreading the Good News of salvation to as many souls as he could.
In today’s scripture, Paul was very clear about how much the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit guided him in his daily life. The choices he made. The paths he took. Paul’s only goal for the remainder of his days was to finish life well. How did Paul define this?
1Dr. Charles Stanley provides insight into this question by listing some of Paul’s attributes:
Humility – Paul spread the gospel because he believed the grace that was sufficient to save a sinner like him was adequate for anyone.
A sense of obligation – The apostle never lost sight of how far God’s grace had brought him.
A sense of dependence – Paul desired more of Jesus and none of himself (Philippians 3:8).
A spirit of absolute confidence – At the end of his life, Paul was as certain as ever that God was real, in charge, and worthy of all honor, glory, and praise (2 Timothy 4:6-8).
Now, ask yourself, how would you define “finishing life well”? Does it include planning with purpose so that you faithfully serve God freely and cheerfully? If we emulate Paul (who was in turn emulating Christ Jesus), would we finish life well?
1“The Attitude of a Saint” by In Touch Ministries
Action Steps
Do you realize how much easier it is to remain strong in your faith when you are surrounded by like-minded people? Think about what positive steps you can take to surround yourself with Christians who can provide you with love, support, counsel, and acceptance. Are you attending services regularly? Are you part of a Connect Group? Are there any volunteer opportunities you would like to explore? Come up with a plan to surround yourself with people who will help you in your faith walk, and in no time, you will be ready to provide encouragement and support to others who desperately need to hear the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
Heavenly Father, as I begin another new year, let me be ever mindful of all You have already done for me. Facing a new year can be full of questions, worries, and fear as to what the future holds. But I know that with the Holy Spirit in my life, I will be ready to face whatever challenges come my way. Your love and the power of Your mercy will sustain me in the new year, and for as long as I am here on this earth. Help me, Lord, to find ways to use my time wisely. Thank You for my yesterdays, my today, and my tomorrows. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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