The Word of the Lord
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NLT)
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.
I harbor an intense fear of spiders, a phobia I attribute to sneaking into a viewing of the movie "Arachnophobia" when I was just 12 years old. When I say intense, I mean the kind of fear that freezes you in your tracks, rendering you unable to move. I have this irrational belief that spiders possess the ability to read minds, and if they choose, could pounce on you at any moment. Needless to say, I detest spiders.
So, when my late wife and I moved into our home in St. Claire Shores, Michigan, I was wholly unprepared for what awaited us. St. Claire Shores, nestled by Lake St. Claire, was built on sandy terrain—a haven for spiders to thrive and multiply. It all started insignificantly, with a spider web here, another there. But one summer morning, I woke to a horrifying reality: the bushes in my front yard and my car were entirely enshrouded in spider webs. My worst nightmares had materialized, repeatedly throughout that summer, until I reached my breaking point.
I borrowed a flood lamp from my father-in-law, capable of illuminating half a city block. Setting my alarm for 2 am, I braced myself for the worst. When I flicked on the light, my worst fears became a grim reality. My entire house was infested with spiders—millions of them. They lurked under the siding during the day and emerged at night. For the next two hours, armed with a fly swatter, I waged war, hoping to instill enough fear in them to scatter.
Much like the flood lamp's revealing light, God's word, when embraced with an open heart, exposes the areas in our lives that require mending so we can fulfill His greater purpose for us. Often, this revelation can cause pain and heartache—or in my case, paralyzing fear. However, the incredible thing is that God's grace and love stand by us, steering us through this difficulty.
I have read the Gospels countless times. But in preparation for this devotional, I read the following passage in a different light. Pun intended…
John 1:5 reads: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."
Persistently immersing ourselves in God's word ensures His constant presence in our lives, and that He will always be there, guiding us on our journey. It won't always be smooth sailing, but it'll certainly be less daunting…and with fewer spiders.
Action Steps
Much like exercising, reading the Bible needs to begin gradually to establish a consistent habit. Attempting too much too soon will only result in burnout. Allocate a specific time in the morning for your Bible reading. I've always found that my devotional time is far more rewarding when I'm free from the distractions of everyday life. Once you've set aside some time, ask God to guide you and read a small section of scripture. The method you choose is entirely up to you, as there's no wrong or right approach, but the Bible app YouVersion offers various free versions of the Bible, along with thousands of reading plans. Starting there would be beneficial. Begin with a modest duration, say 5-10 minutes every morning, and gradually increase the time. I assure you that you'll notice a positive change in your life.
God, guide me as I embark on studying Your word, revealing the areas in my life that require attention. I understand this will be a challenging process, so please stand by me, granting the strength and wisdom to address these aspects that need mending. I am grateful for what You are about to do in my life. Amen.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.
I harbor an intense fear of spiders, a phobia I attribute to sneaking into a viewing of the movie "Arachnophobia" when I was just 12 years old. When I say intense, I mean the kind of fear that freezes you in your tracks, rendering you unable to move. I have this irrational belief that spiders possess the ability to read minds, and if they choose, could pounce on you at any moment. Needless to say, I detest spiders.
So, when my late wife and I moved into our home in St. Claire Shores, Michigan, I was wholly unprepared for what awaited us. St. Claire Shores, nestled by Lake St. Claire, was built on sandy terrain—a haven for spiders to thrive and multiply. It all started insignificantly, with a spider web here, another there. But one summer morning, I woke to a horrifying reality: the bushes in my front yard and my car were entirely enshrouded in spider webs. My worst nightmares had materialized, repeatedly throughout that summer, until I reached my breaking point.
I borrowed a flood lamp from my father-in-law, capable of illuminating half a city block. Setting my alarm for 2 am, I braced myself for the worst. When I flicked on the light, my worst fears became a grim reality. My entire house was infested with spiders—millions of them. They lurked under the siding during the day and emerged at night. For the next two hours, armed with a fly swatter, I waged war, hoping to instill enough fear in them to scatter.
Much like the flood lamp's revealing light, God's word, when embraced with an open heart, exposes the areas in our lives that require mending so we can fulfill His greater purpose for us. Often, this revelation can cause pain and heartache—or in my case, paralyzing fear. However, the incredible thing is that God's grace and love stand by us, steering us through this difficulty.
I have read the Gospels countless times. But in preparation for this devotional, I read the following passage in a different light. Pun intended…
John 1:5 reads: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."
Persistently immersing ourselves in God's word ensures His constant presence in our lives, and that He will always be there, guiding us on our journey. It won't always be smooth sailing, but it'll certainly be less daunting…and with fewer spiders.
Action Steps
Much like exercising, reading the Bible needs to begin gradually to establish a consistent habit. Attempting too much too soon will only result in burnout. Allocate a specific time in the morning for your Bible reading. I've always found that my devotional time is far more rewarding when I'm free from the distractions of everyday life. Once you've set aside some time, ask God to guide you and read a small section of scripture. The method you choose is entirely up to you, as there's no wrong or right approach, but the Bible app YouVersion offers various free versions of the Bible, along with thousands of reading plans. Starting there would be beneficial. Begin with a modest duration, say 5-10 minutes every morning, and gradually increase the time. I assure you that you'll notice a positive change in your life.
God, guide me as I embark on studying Your word, revealing the areas in my life that require attention. I understand this will be a challenging process, so please stand by me, granting the strength and wisdom to address these aspects that need mending. I am grateful for what You are about to do in my life. Amen.

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