721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Reflecting on Looking Back

Saturday is a day to reflect on all that God has been speaking to you this week, and how it will affect your life going forward.

From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope you have had an amazing week in your purposed time with God. We pray that you were challenged and encouraged by God’s word and His presence in your daily life.

Today, we want you to do something simple yet incredibly important. We want you take time to write down or record a voice memo in your phone answering the prompts below. This does not need to be profound, poetic, or polished. It is a record for you to visit later to see and remember all that God is doing in your life. Journaling is a way to remind you of what God is speaking to you. Speaking something out loud or writing it down make what we are thinking tangible and make us accountable to it. If God has challenged you or called you to do something specific this past week, making it tangible makes it real. So don’t skip today…today is about faith building, and that is what we pray happens for you.

Before you get started though, let’s pray together:

I am so thankful for Your presence in every trial and every difficulty I face in my life. Not only do You promise to never leave me or forsake me, but I can look back at the countless times You have led me safely through the storms. Your faithfulness is great and Your guidance is trustworthy. May I always look to You first in times of trouble. Amen.

Here are today’s prompts for you to process through in your written or voice journal:

First, focus on God’s presence in your life. What are you going through or struggling with this week that requires God’s help?

Second, focus on God’s faithfulness in your life. What is something God has brought you through that reminds you of His goodness and love for you?

Third, focus on your faithfulness to God. How can your faith be strengthened by remembering all that God has done and applying that to your situation today?

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