Reflecting on Looking Down
Saturday is a day to reflect on all that God was speaking to you this week and how it will affect your life going forward.
From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope that you have had an amazing week in your purposed time with God. We pray that you were challenged and encouraged by God’s word and His presence in your daily life.
Today we want you to do something simple yet incredibly important. We want you take time to write in a notebook, journal, or record a voice memo in your phone answering the prompts below. This does not need to be profound, poetic, or polished. It is a record for you to visit later to see and remember all that God is doing in your life. Journaling is a way to remind you of what God is speaking to you. And speaking something out or writing it down makes what we are thinking tangible and makes us accountable to it. If God has challenged you or called you to do something specific this past week, making it tangible makes it real. So don’t skip today…today is about faith building, and that is what we pray happens for you.
Before you get started, though, let’s pray together:
Father, thank You for guiding me to make wise decisions. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. The Holy Spirit living in me guides my steps and keeps me on the narrow path. You’re a great and mighty God who cares for my every need, big and small. I don’t have to worry about going astray if I keep my eyes on You. May I always look to You for the wisdom to navigate this life You have so graciously given me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Here are today’s prompts for you to process through in your written or voice journal:
First, focus on God’s promises to you. In your quiet time with God this week, what scriptures have you read that have impacted your heart?
Second, focus on your current reality. What decisions are you currently facing where you need God’s guidance?
Lastly, focus on a step God has challenged you to take. How can you apply God’s faithfulness to guide you and the truth of His Word to lead you to wise decisions? How can spending time in prayer influence your decisions?
From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope that you have had an amazing week in your purposed time with God. We pray that you were challenged and encouraged by God’s word and His presence in your daily life.
Today we want you to do something simple yet incredibly important. We want you take time to write in a notebook, journal, or record a voice memo in your phone answering the prompts below. This does not need to be profound, poetic, or polished. It is a record for you to visit later to see and remember all that God is doing in your life. Journaling is a way to remind you of what God is speaking to you. And speaking something out or writing it down makes what we are thinking tangible and makes us accountable to it. If God has challenged you or called you to do something specific this past week, making it tangible makes it real. So don’t skip today…today is about faith building, and that is what we pray happens for you.
Before you get started, though, let’s pray together:
Father, thank You for guiding me to make wise decisions. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. The Holy Spirit living in me guides my steps and keeps me on the narrow path. You’re a great and mighty God who cares for my every need, big and small. I don’t have to worry about going astray if I keep my eyes on You. May I always look to You for the wisdom to navigate this life You have so graciously given me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Here are today’s prompts for you to process through in your written or voice journal:
First, focus on God’s promises to you. In your quiet time with God this week, what scriptures have you read that have impacted your heart?
Second, focus on your current reality. What decisions are you currently facing where you need God’s guidance?
Lastly, focus on a step God has challenged you to take. How can you apply God’s faithfulness to guide you and the truth of His Word to lead you to wise decisions? How can spending time in prayer influence your decisions?

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