721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Looking Forward

We are purposed to set aside Sundays at Tree Church Daily as a day to prepare for gathering together to worship God. We need the Spirit to lead us and show us what He is currently doing, and wants to do, in us. This involves praying and asking Him to allow us to be aware of His activity in our lives.  
If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray along with the prayer below, expecting that God will meet you where you are.  
Let’s pray…
Will You please lead and guide me? Making decisions is not easy and I need You to show me what You are doing and how I can partner with You in it. But I need more than myself. I need You and I need Your perspective. So, speak to me today. Amen.

This week in the Verdict series, we will be exploring the idea of looking forward. If our choices set us on a path, it would help us to look towards where that path could lead. Does the way we make decisions put us on a path towards Jesus or towards something else?  
As you start to think about this idea, take 4-5 minutes to answer these questions, either in your mind or in a journal:
Throughout this series, have you been able to recognize your system of decision making?  
How could thinking about the future consequences of your decisions help you make better decisions now?

Close your time today talking with God about your thoughts here. You can simply start by talking to Him, or you can use the following prompts to help you get started. Feel free to take as much time as you need.
Father, I need help recognizing what drives my decisions, so please show me my heart and the way I think…
Father, this decision seems right, but I don’t know what’s ahead. Will you…

Stay in this posture of talking and listening to God. As you go to your time of worship and teaching at church, ask God to speak to you today!

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