721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Seeking God’s Will

Proverbs 3:1-6 (ESV)

My son, do not forget my teaching,
    but let your heart keep my commandments,
2 for length of days and years of life
    and peace they will add to you.
3 Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
    bind them around your neck;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 So you will find favor and good success
    in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.


On our pathway of Christian living, we’re good at acknowledging God with big decisions, but how often are we inviting Him into our mundaneness? If I’m being honest, I don’t always acknowledge God in the small, everyday decisions to direct my path. As we look forward, acknowledgment of God’s will aligns us according to His purpose. In my day-to-day routine, busyness, monotony, stress, digital distractions, avoidance, or a negative mindset are all things which limit acknowledging God. Can you relate?

Acknowledgment expresses a deep appreciation, humility, and trust that we have for someone. Through it, we enhance our relationships by receiving comfort and support. This is described by the leadership principle called the 5 C’s of acknowledgment. These include consciousness, choice, courage, communication and commitment. Let’s look at how these principles support Solomon’s wisdom in today’s verses.

Consciousness: In verse 1, Solomon advises us not forget God’s teachings, but to keep them stored in our heart. Staying conscious of God’s commandments reassures us of His guidance, gives us an eternal perspective, and aligns our decisions with a higher purpose. It invites mindfulness into all of life’s distractions that pull our eyes off God.

Choice: In verse 3, Solomon directs us to never let go of steadfast love and faithfulness. Instead, he tells us to bind them around our neck and write them on the tablet of our heart. Solomon’s metaphor expresses our daily choice to attach love and faithfulness to our outward lives. When we choose these traits in both attitude and action, we reflect God’s wholehearted commitment in walking with us through every decision.

Courage: In verse 5, Solomon commands us to trust in the Lord with all our heart. Often, we let our fear get in the way of trust. Trust is the cornerstone of courage. It is our willingness to be vulnerable with God. It gives us the courage to have confidence in God, to let go of control, and to show Him we are open to His direction for our future.

Now, let’s put the last two C’s into action…

Action Steps

1. Communication: The best way to reach God is prayer. Lean into consciousness, choice, and courage, then take your requests, gratitude, and appreciation to God. Seek His will in every decision.

2. Commitment: Once God leads you to make a decision, don't hesitate. Instead, trust His guidance and believe that He goes before you.

Heavenly Father, as I look forward to all my decisions, both big and small, help me acknowledge Your counsel. Give me patience in Your timing, a sense of peace over fear, and confidence where there is doubt. Let the wisdom of Your righteousness always steer me toward Your will and purpose in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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