721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Not Coming Down

Do you have a desire to serve God in a stronger and more obedient way?
We are purposed to set aside Sundays at The Tree Church Daily as a way to honor God and gather together in worship. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us and show us what He is doing currently and wants to do in and through us.

If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray along with the prayer below with the expectation that God is listening and will meet you where you are.

Let’s pray…

Holy Spirit,
I come to You today with an open mind and a joyful heart, excited to hear what You have in store for me. Lord, I so want to do Your will, but sometimes I struggle to understand what that is. Please open my eyes and ears so that I may see and hear the plans You have for me. I need You and Your infinite wisdom to show me the way. Amen.

This week in our current series, Not Coming Down: A Great Work for a Great Purpose, we are learning that when God calls us to do something, we may be met with resistance. Friends may not understand our desire to serve God, and we might find them trying to pull us away from what we desire to accomplish for Him. There could be other distractions, as well, that come from many different directions: family issues, work obligations, culture’s influence, etc.

Do you have a desire to serve God in a stronger and more obedient way? As you think about this, take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Feel free to use a journal or phone to record your thoughts, or just spend some time thinking through your responses.

Have you ever felt like God was specifically calling YOU to do something? Did you feel distractions (family, friends, work, etc.) pulling you away from being able to accomplish it?

How do you think God will support and bless you if you are faithful to His calling and don’t give up?

Close your time today talking with God about what you have experienced through these questions. You can start by reaching out in prayer and talking to Him, or you can use the following prompts to help you get started. Take as much time as you need and enjoy being in His presence!

Father, I want to serve the purpose You have for my life. Please help me…

Father, I am weak and find myself easily distracted from serving You the way I desire. I ask You to…

Stay in this posture of talking and listening to God as you prepare for a community time of worship, praise, and teaching at church. Ask God to meet you right where you are!

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