721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

The Next Generation

1 Chronicles 22:1-5 (ESV)

Then David said, “Here shall be the house of the LORD God and here the altar of burnt offering for Israel.”
David commanded to gather together the resident aliens who were in the land of Israel, and he set stonecutters to prepare dressed stones for building the house of God. David also provided great quantities of iron for nails for the doors of the gates and for clamps, as well as bronze in quantities beyond weighing, and cedar timbers without number, for the Sidonians and Tyrians brought great quantities of cedar to David. For David said, “Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house that is to be built for the LORD must be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and glory throughout all lands. I will therefore make preparation for it.” So David provided materials in great quantity before his death.


Throughout the Not Coming Down series, people in our church have had many conversations about the roles we each play concerning our church’s future. While talking about it in our Connect Group, a friend who had been part of the church years ago during the initiative of moving from the old building into the new building talked about their experience during that time. What the people who attended The Tree committed to do during that time has brought us to where we are today. We are experiencing right now what those church members prepared for and prayed for many years ago.

Let that sink in for a moment.

We are currently living the realization of what was unknown for them. All they knew was that they wanted to be obedient to God and leave a legacy for future generations.

This is what David experienced as well through the building of the temple. He knew that there needed to be a temple built for the Israelites to enjoy, but he was told that he would not be the one to build it. His son, Solomon, was who God wanted to build the temple, but that didn’t deter David. He knew that he wanted to leave a legacy. David gave generously of all the resources that he had. He knew that Solomon was young and inexperienced, so he wanted to help give him the tools and supplies he would need to build the temple. David wanted to leave a legacy for future generations. He wanted to give them something they could have for years that would help them continue in their faith and grow close to God.

We are called to take steps of faith and prepare for the sake of the next generation and for those who may come to know Jesus through what we are doing. David prepared and helped Solomon by providing the proper resources. What we do today is going to impact not only the near future but years and years to come. Like David, we may never fully see the impact that this season will have on future generations, but we don’t let that discourage us because what we are doing is leaving a legacy that will continue to impact our families, our church, and ultimately our community. Like David, we should want people to experience God and His love so much that we are compelled to make sacrifices in order to leave that legacy.

Action Steps

1.Take a few minutes to think about the legacy you want to help leave through the church.

2.Spend some time praying and asking God to show you what He wants you to do to help leave a legacy for the next generation.

God, I pray that You use me to leave a legacy. I pray that what You are calling me to do today will have a lasting impact for generations to come. I want them to know You and love You. I want them to experience Your love and mercy. Help me to do my part in the preparation process so that future generations can know You like I know You. I love You, Lord. Amen.

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