721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Casting Your Cares

Today we explore how to entrust our pain, suffering, and burdens to the Lord. We’ll take time to reflect on this and seek the Spirit for His guidance. As we reach our limitations in dealing with our pain, God is not distant or emotionally detached. Rather, He deeply cares for His children and desires us to trust Him. Let us start with a simple prayer in acknowledgement of these truths.

Holy Spirit, I invite You to show me how to surrender my worries, anxieties, and pains to You today. Please guide my heart and show me how to trust in You more deeply. Open my heart to experience Your peace and comfort in the midst of struggles and help me sense your presence as I read Your word today. Amen.

1 Peter 5:6-7 (NLT)

6 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

It is not something I’m proud of, but if I’m being honest, I tend to run from God when anxiety wells up. Perhaps it is my independent nature that makes me want to “self-rescue” in an attempt to alleviate discomfort. I often find myself asking, “God, are you truly enough?” And while I wrestle with this question, one thing I have realized is that I am not. In fact, my tendency to try and handle struggles on my own only exposes the pride in my heart. When I trust my own capability to fix situations, I elevate myself above the mighty power of God. Can you recall a painful situation in which you took control instead of entrusting it to God? Take a moment to consider the outcome.

In today’s verse Paul gives us the alternative to control and pride: humility. He urges us to surrender ourselves in humility to God’s mighty power. Humility acknowledges we cannot carry our worries alone. When we surrender control to God, it allows us to experience His might, the peace He offers, and the care He extends to His followers. When painful situations arise, what are some ways you can let go of control and take a posture of humility towards God?

Paul says that at the right time God will honor those who humbly rely on Him (verse 6). God honors faithful dependence on Him by exalting us with His favor, transforming our character, granting us influence, providing divine guidance, and promising eternal rewards. Humility opens the door to experiencing God's blessings and fulfilling His purposes in our lives. Pride only prevents us from experiencing His best.

Take some time right now and consider a painful situation you may be experiencing. Seek God in prayer and tell Him your honest feelings. Feel free to speak to Him from your heart or use one of the prompts below to get you started.

God, I know I need to surrender…
God, please fill me with Your peace and help me…

May God give you peace in the cares of your heart as you continue to entrust them to Him.

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