721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Access to God

This week, we are focusing on God’s plan of restoration for humanity. In today’s devotional, we will dive into the intimate access we have to God. Join me in inviting the Holy Spirit through prayer as we start today’s devotional.

Holy Spirit, thank You for Your presence. I invite You into this time. Open my heart, eyes, and mind to be sensitive to what You are doing in me and through me. Speak to me and reveal what You want me to take away from this time. In Your powerful name, amen.

Matthew 27:50-51 (NLT)
50 Then Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. 51 At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart,”

The curtain of the temple was torn. Why does this matter to you and me? This is the focus for today’s devotional.

I remember my toddler finding the joy in standing on the other side of the door and pressing his face against the glass. His nose scrunched up and slobber poured out of his mouth between laughs. In the moment of silliness and joy, I just wanted to hug my son. However, the door created a physical barrier.

Have you ever experienced a physical barrier limiting access for what you wanted to do? Take a moment to reflect on the situation and take note of how it made you feel.

There once was a physical barrier preventing humanity from accessing the presence of God. In the temple, there was a room called the Holy of Holies. This is where God’s presence dwelled. Only the high priest entered this space once a year. The Holy Place was located just outside this room, and between them there was an enormous curtain that served as a barrier, with the intent of separating humanity from the presence of our Holy God. When Jesus died on the cross, this curtain was torn in half. Why does this matter? The tearing of the curtain upon Jesus’ death signifies a way for you and me to access the presence of God.

Are there any perceived false barriers you’ve placed between you and God? Perhaps it’s a lie you’re believing or a habitual sin that makes you feel hesitant to talk with God, to connect with God, to access God.

Remember, if you are found in Christ, God’s presence is dwelling in you through the Holy Spirit. No matter our emotions, God’s promise stands true. He is with us, in us, and all around us.

We have access to God, anytime and all the time. What does this mean to you, personally? Take a moment to reflect.

After taking time to digest today’s devotional, step forward in God’s presence through prayer. Make this your dedicated time to access God, your Father in Heaven who deeply loves you. Here are prompts to help you get started.

God, thank You for Your presence. Help me to remember that You are close.

God, please reveal false barriers I may be holding in my heart. Thank You for allowing me to access You.

I pray you boldly access the presence of God. May His love fill you.

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