721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Reflecting on Truth Has Been Revealed – Submit to it

Saturday is a day to reflect on all that God has been speaking to you this week, and how it will affect your life going forward.

From those of us on the Tree Church Daily team, we hope you have had an impactful week in your time with God! We pray that you were challenged and encouraged by God’s word and His presence in your daily life.

Today, we want you to do something simple, yet important. Write your thoughts in a journal, record them on a voice recorder, or just spend some quiet time reflecting on what comes to mind as you answer the following prompts. This does not need to be profound, poetic, or polished. It is a record for you to visit later to see and remember all that God is doing in your life. Journaling is a way to remind you of what God is speaking to you. Speaking something out loud or writing it down makes what we are thinking tangible and makes us accountable to it. If God has challenged you or called you to do something specific this past week, making it tangible makes it real. So don’t skip today…today is about faith building, and that is what we pray happens for you.

Before you get started, though, let’s pray together:

God, thank You for today. Show me how to be a godly disciple and do Your will. Help me to focus on You more this week. Help me to be a godly influence to my family and the people around me. Amen.

Here are today’s prompts for you to process through in your written or voice journal:

First, focus on God’s promises to you. Do you call yourself a disciple? If so, where do you need to improve?

Second, focus on your current reality. Submitting is a big part of being a disciple. What areas of your life do you need to submit fully to God?

Lastly, focus on a step where God is challenging you. This could be taking more time to listen to God, spending more time in His word, taking the first step to volunteer, beginning the tithing process, making it a priority to consistently come to church, or joining a connect group. When you honestly take a look at yourself and your faith journey, where do you need to improve? Whatever it is, ask God to help you take that step.

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