This week, as we continue in the Following Jesus series, we see that God always gives us a clear choice: obey God’s word and be blessed, or disobey His Word and suffer consequences.
I’d like to start us off today with a simple prayer, and I invite you to make it your prayer as we continue in today’s devotion.
Holy Spirit, help me to listen for Your voice today as I take time to study Your word. I welcome Your presence in this space right now. As I continue in these next few moments of reflection and throughout my day, please change my mind and attitude to merge with Your example of discipleship. Amen.
Deuteronomy 11:26-28 (NLT)
26“Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse! 27 You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. 28 But you will be cursed if you reject the commands of the Lord your God and turn away from him and worship gods you have not known before.
Today, we are focusing on the importance and consequences of our decisions.
As we have been learning, Christianity should not merely be used as a “title” that we wear like a sign or t-shirt. When we submit to Christ, we agree to daily seek His conviction, and purposefully decide to align ourselves with His example and will. Part of God’s goodness in creating humanity was giving us the ability to make this choice daily. As we read in today’s scripture, just like the early Israelites, we have two choices. One choice requires obedience, and the result is blessing. The other choice is disobedience, turning away from God by worshiping or prioritizing other things above Him. If we knowingly continue to choose disobedience, the consequence is a curse – separation from God, His goodness, and His blessings.
What is the one thing that you spend most of your time doing? Does this lead you away from the things of God? Take a moment and ask God to help you identify whether this aligns with His commands and His word.
Is there any part of you that makes a conscious decision to disobey God? Review your conduct in the last day or week. Ask God to forgive you, and to help you actively and purposefully align yourself with His word.
After spending some time to reflect on these questions, take your fears and needs to God in honest prayer. Here are a few prompts to help get you started.
Ask God to help you become more aware of the things you are prioritizing over Him.
Ask God to help you surrender those things to Him today, so you can worship Him only.
May God’s truth and power encourage you today as you walk in obedience!
I’d like to start us off today with a simple prayer, and I invite you to make it your prayer as we continue in today’s devotion.
Holy Spirit, help me to listen for Your voice today as I take time to study Your word. I welcome Your presence in this space right now. As I continue in these next few moments of reflection and throughout my day, please change my mind and attitude to merge with Your example of discipleship. Amen.
Deuteronomy 11:26-28 (NLT)
26“Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse! 27 You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. 28 But you will be cursed if you reject the commands of the Lord your God and turn away from him and worship gods you have not known before.
Today, we are focusing on the importance and consequences of our decisions.
As we have been learning, Christianity should not merely be used as a “title” that we wear like a sign or t-shirt. When we submit to Christ, we agree to daily seek His conviction, and purposefully decide to align ourselves with His example and will. Part of God’s goodness in creating humanity was giving us the ability to make this choice daily. As we read in today’s scripture, just like the early Israelites, we have two choices. One choice requires obedience, and the result is blessing. The other choice is disobedience, turning away from God by worshiping or prioritizing other things above Him. If we knowingly continue to choose disobedience, the consequence is a curse – separation from God, His goodness, and His blessings.
What is the one thing that you spend most of your time doing? Does this lead you away from the things of God? Take a moment and ask God to help you identify whether this aligns with His commands and His word.
Is there any part of you that makes a conscious decision to disobey God? Review your conduct in the last day or week. Ask God to forgive you, and to help you actively and purposefully align yourself with His word.
After spending some time to reflect on these questions, take your fears and needs to God in honest prayer. Here are a few prompts to help get you started.
Ask God to help you become more aware of the things you are prioritizing over Him.
Ask God to help you surrender those things to Him today, so you can worship Him only.
May God’s truth and power encourage you today as you walk in obedience!
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