721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

The Greatest Commandment

Our focus last week was on the gift of righteousness. It was Christ’s love for us that led Him to give Himself as the sacrifice that made us right with God. This week, we will spend time looking at how that love is meant to change us.

But let’s start by seeking the Spirit to guide and strengthen us as we look at the ways He wants to change us. Pray with me:

Jesus, You gave me Your Spirit for the purpose of connecting me to You everywhere. Thank You for leading me as I follow You into ways of living that are not natural for me. When You challenge me, help me to always know it is in the context of love. Give me ears to hear and a heart to trust as I turn my heart towards You. Amen.

Matthew 22:37-39 (NLT)
37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Throughout most of my young adult life, I was an underachiever. I never really felt the drive to work hard at anything. But one day, that all changed. I fell in love. When I decided that I wanted to marry the young lady who would later become my wife, my motivations changed, as did my perspective. As a college student, I did not have money, but I wanted to buy her a nice engagement ring. So I worked three jobs to save up to buy a ring. Love changed me. Have you ever loved something so much that you made drastic changes to your life for it? It could be someone like your spouse or something as simple as a hobby. Take a second and reflect on the ways the things you love affect your life.

Today’s passage focuses on two commands. The first is to love God (verse 37), and the other is to love others (verse 39). To do either can be difficult for us because what we most naturally love is ourselves. But when we encounter Jesus’ love for us, it does something to us. It is this love that stirs us to want to love God more. How does God’s love for you inspire your love for Him?

This same love that stirs our love for God also stirs our love for others. Why? Because of HIS love for others. The “right way” of living God calls us to is always rooted in our relationship with Him. What starts with His love for us turns into our love for Him, and then flows out into the world by sharing in God’s love for others. How does your understanding of God’s love for the world change how you view those God has placed in your life?

After taking some time to reflect on these questions, take 4-5 minutes to pray about what God is bringing to mind. If you need help, here are some prompts to get you started.

Ask God to help you understand His love for you. Talk through where you struggle to believe this.

Ask God to show you how His love for you can flow out into love for others. Talk to Him about how He wants you to treat those around you.

I hope that the presence of the Holy Spirit guides your heart and thoughts today.

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