721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Growing Stronger Together

Today we're going to look at what it means to grow stronger together. Before we jump into the scripture for today, would you join me in prayer?

Lord, I ask that as I go to Your word to see what You have to say about being together, You would show me what this looks like in my life. Help me to see how my spiritual health has so much to do with the spiritual health of those I am in relationship with. Amen.

Romans 1:11-12 (NLT)
11 For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. 12 When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.

As you read the scripture for today, what is the one word you would say sums up the desire of Paul? The word I came up with is community. Paul had a desire to be with the Christians in Rome, and he desired to have community with them. I would venture to say that you and I are not much different from Paul in the fact that we too desire to be in community. You may say you are completely okay with doing this life apart from others. Yet, if you dig deep inside, there is some kind of need to be in a community. Community looks very different for each person. How would you define community?

When I think of community, I think of our Connect Group. My wife and I lead a Connect Group, and on the first night of our new group, we asked the question, “What do you hope to get from this group?” The overwhelming response was “community.” Oddly enough, if I answered the question of why I felt God called us to lead a group, it would be the same answer; that I have a need for community.

I want people in my life who are looking at the same common goal that I have to help me in my Christian journey. I want people who, when I ask for prayer, I know they will storm the gates of heaven on my behalf. I want people in my life who, when I have questions on how to do life, are there to encourage me, walk beside me, pour into me, and might I say… hold me accountable? I also want to be all of those things for those people as well. I love being able to pray for my friends, help when there is a need, and when people have a question about a life experience that I have walked through. In those moments, I can encourage them that this will only last for a season! Do you have people in your life who you feel this way about?

Paul was saying to the church in Rome that he wanted to be in community with them so they could encourage him in his walk with Christ, but also he wanted to pour back into them. Paul wanted to have a Connect Group with the Christians in Rome! This is exactly why we meet on Sunday mornings, and why going to the actual church building is so important for Christians. It is not a rule issue, but it is that you need time with other believers to encourage you, and you need to be there to be an encouragement for other people.

Friend… this life can be very difficult, and I can honestly say from experience that doing this life without a community surrounding you makes it that much tougher. As we have been in a series on the armor of God, we are equipping ourselves for the battles that are currently happening and will inevitably happen to us in the future. The battles are much more manageable when we are battling together, praying together, and holding each other accountable. God has created us to walk through this life in community. My question is, what step do you need to take today to be obedient to God and make sure you are in community and growing stronger together?

As you reflect on the question above, ask God to show you what steps you may need to take in order to grow in community.

Lord, I want to be a part of a community, but I’m nervous…

Lord, help me to have the courage to step out of my comfort zone…

God, thank You for my community. Help me to be there for them as much as they are for me…

Friend… I pray God has given you a great community that you are a part of. If you do not yet have that community, I would encourage you to get plugged into a Connect Group, as this is the best way to grow stronger together!

1 Comment

Lou Fratturo - August 6th, 2024 at 6:00am

I love this encouragement Zach! My wife and I just returned from being away for 10 days and in addition to being back in the comfort and familiarity of our home, we are grateful to be back to the community of friends and family that God has created here for us! Vacations are nice, but community is where it's at.




