721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Trusting God at His Word

Life will bring trials and tribulations. Every day we walk through a world of unknowns. We can choose to look around us and see all the “what if’s” or we can ask God and trust Him at His Word. When we do this, all the “what if’s” become “God IS.” The questions and confusion become peace when we trust God at His Word.

Let us pray and invite God into this moment right now to guide us and open our hearts to what He wants us to know.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Living Word, Your promises, and Your faithfulness. I can trust in You and Your Word, and Your promises never fail. Please search my heart and reveal to me everything You want me to know. May I cast all my cares upon You. In Jesus’s precious and powerful name, I pray, believing and receiving with faith and gratitude. Amen.

Psalm 12 (NLT)

1 Help, O Lord, for the godly are fast disappearing!

    The faithful have vanished from the earth!

2 Neighbors lie to each other,

    speaking with flattering lips and deceitful hearts.

3 May the Lord cut off their flattering lips

    and silence their boastful tongues.

4 They say, “We will lie to our hearts’ content.

    Our lips are our own—who can stop us?”

5 The Lord replies, “I have seen violence done to the helpless,

    and I have heard the groans of the poor.

Now I will rise up to rescue them,

    as they have longed for me to do.”

6 The Lord’s promises are pure,

    like silver refined in a furnace,

    purified seven times over.

7 Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed,

    preserving them forever from this lying generation,

8 even though the wicked strut about,

    and evil is praised throughout the land.

When we see or experience disheartening circumstances, it’s easy to get discouraged just as David looked around and cried out to God for help. The Lord replied with His promise: “Now I will rise up to rescue them as they have longed for Me to do.” (verse 5) The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. Are you living your life trusting in God’s promises and His Living Word?

Sometimes God can shake us to wake us. A year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer, and it has infinitely made my life better in so many ways. What I’m continually learning is instead of relying on the world, myself, doctors, or scan reports, I rely on God in every way. I do that by spending time with Him through prayer, reading His Living Word, and asking questions—lots of questions.

The best part is He knows my needy, anxious heart, and He reassures me. He answers me. He has made promises and has proven His faithfulness over and over in miraculous ways. I would never have been able to experience His faithfulness if not given the opportunity to walk through this valley with Him. I can personally attest in miraculous ways that His Living Word and promises are pure and true.

When you walk through the valleys of life, where are you putting your trust? Are you trusting God at His Word? When we seek God out and ask Him for His guidance, He gives us answers, but we have to spend time with Him and be obedient to what He reveals to us, trusting and knowing that His promises are true and will come to pass in our lives.

Who are you going to believe? Man, the world, the fears we tell ourselves? Or the most powerful, loving, all-knowing God whose promises never fail? God’s Living Word is tested and true. When you are in the seasons of waiting, I encourage you to meditate on Jeremiah 1:12: “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled.” Put all of your trust in Him, expecting confidently for His Word to be fulfilled in your life.

Heavenly Father, please reveal to me through Your Living Word what You want me to know and help me put all my trust in You…

Please help me cast down all thoughts that are not in agreement with Your Word and trust You completely…

I pray that you know God IS powerfully moving in your life. I pray that you agree with His Word, trust Him, rest in His promises and power, and feel peace as He fulfills His promises to you.

I pray you invite God into your life, seek His Living Word, and trust Him with all your heart.

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