721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Working Out

God has given us the power to transform our lives and to grow deeper in relationship with Him. But that desire to change has to start with us. Today we are looking at surrendering our lives to God by being obedient. Let’s pray together before we dive into this topic.

Lord, we are so thankful that we have You to guide us in life. I pray that we are able to take a deeper look at who we are and how we can continue to become more and more like You. I pray that You help us to have an open mind and heart to hear the truths You have for us today. Amen.

Philippians 2:12-13 (NLT)
12 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

I can remember being a kid and having that person that I wanted to be just like when I got older and grew up. I looked up to that person and I wanted to do everything they did. I thought they were just so cool and if I could be as cool as they were, then I’d have a pretty good life! Can you remember someone that you wanted to be like when you grew up?

This is the same idea that we should have when we decide to follow Jesus. We should have that deep desire to be just like Him and to act just like He did. We should want to have the same character traits and to emulate Him in all of our interactions. The great news is, God gives us the power to be able to do that in our own lives! But it does not come naturally, nor will it come without hard work. Are you willing to do the hard work to become more and more like Jesus?

If we are to become like Jesus, we have to be willing to completely surrender our lives to Him. We have to continually seek Him. We have to be obedient to where and what He is calling us to do. In doing these things, we will be able to look back and see how God has worked in our lives. He will change us from the inside out. We will see how He molds our desires to ones that will be pleasing to Him. But we have to want that for our lives, and then we have to put in the work to bring it to fruition. Are you willing to fully surrender your life to Him and do whatever He calls you to do?

Allow God to come alongside you and help you as you are working on becoming more and more like Him. Be an active participant in transforming your life by giving it all to Jesus and allowing Him to lead you. Take some time to talk with Him and invite Him into your transformation. Below are a few prompts to get you started.

Lord, I pray that You help me to transform my life to become more like You…

God, I deeply desire to change my life to act and think like You. Help me to….

It can be hard to put in the work, Lord. Can You help me to stay strong…

I hope that you are able to fully surrender your life to God and allow Him to guide you and help you as you are working out your faith.

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