721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Sword of the Spirit/Word of God

We are purposed to set aside Sundays at the Tree Church Daily as a special time to engage our hearts and minds in worship, prayer, and fellowship. It is a day to devote to God, and for seeking His will for our lives. This involves praying and asking the Holy Spirit to speak His truth to us. As you start your day, let’s pray…
Heavenly Father, having a strong relationship with You is the most important goal I have for my life. I want to be prepared for whatever this world throws at me. Thank You for all the defensive armor You have given me for my spiritual growth and protection. Help me as I strive to take up the sword of the Spirit so I can stand in offense against my enemies. In Jesus’ name, amen. 
Every day, we face a powerful army of forces dedicated to destroying our spiritual lives. We need to use all the weapons God has provided for us to remain strong and steadfast in our faith. This week as we progress through the series Following Jesus, we will focus on an offensive weapon God has blessed us with. It is the sword of the Spirit – the word of God.

As we prepare this week to learn more, take a few moments to consider the following questions. Write your thoughts in a journal, record them on a voice recorder, or just spend some quiet time reflecting on what comes to mind.

Do you spend time every day reading the Bible? If not, is there something in your routine you can change to make time in His word a priority?

When you read the Bible, do you feel refreshed, challenged, or encouraged? Does reading it provide you with a stable base from which to start your day?

Today, go to God in prayer and share with Him your thoughts, concerns, and your gratitude for the spiritual weapons He has provided us. Listen to what God has for you. If needed, use the following prompts to help you get started. Don’t rush your time with God; take as much time as you need.

God, I am so grateful to You for giving me weapons to both protect and advance my faith walk with You…
Holy Spirit, I need Your protection as I begin each day. Strengthen me as I strive to walk in Your glory…

At church, and throughout your day, reach out to God and seek His presence. Be ever mindful of His protective shield surrounding you!

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