721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Given as a Tool

We can trust the Bible because it is the inspired word of God. He uses it to teach us right from wrong and so much more. Knowing the scriptures prepares and equips us for anything we face. Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of Your word, which is full of guidance that I can always trust is true. I pray that You help me seek out and obey the direction it provides in my life. Amen.

2 Timothy 3:12-17 (NLT)
12 Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.
14 But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. 15 You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

Many nights in my life, I have chosen, over anything else, to camp out in the word of God, seeking clarity or simply peace in a moment of pain. To pour over the psalms when I felt alone, to look to the gospels when I felt like a failure, only to remember that Jesus’ own disciples made mistakes, too. Scripture is not only full of life giving instruction, but also of stories that remind us just how hard life can be.

How often have you thought to go to scripture to seek answers in times of uncertainty? Have you ever taken the stories of the Bible and applied them to your life in a way that guides you?

It is encouraging to think of how full life can be when we use the word of God as a tool. The Bible is our not so secret weapon! When wielded well, it has power that teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains. It guides us and supplies us with confidence backed by the Holy Spirit. It is something we should be running to daily.

If you don’t already take time every day to camp out in scripture, I challenge you to make it a priority.

Start building the foundation of this daily rhythm for when the hard times come, as they inevitably will. This tool is the most loving gift that our Father has given us! Pray with me, thanking Him for His goodness in giving us His word.

Lord, help me to open Your word to receive Your truth in my life…

Father, help me to internalize Your promises found there for myself and to speak them over others…

Allow the God breathed word to speak into your life starting today!

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