721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Teach Me How to Pray

Prayer is one of the strongest aspects of our faith we can use to defend ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. Prayer is simply aligning our heart and mind with the will that God has for our lives. Before we begin today, would you join me in a time of prayer.

Lord, thank You for giving me the ability to have direct communication, at any time throughout my day, with You through prayer. I ask that during this time, you clear my mind and heart, and help me to focus on You and what You are speaking to me through Your word, and through our time together. Amen.
Matthew 6:9-13 (NLT)
9 Pray like this:
Our Father in heaven,

    may your name be kept holy.

10 May your Kingdom come soon.

May your will be done on earth,

    as it is in heaven.

11 Give us today the food we need,

12 and forgive us our sins,

    as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

13 And don’t let us yield to temptation,

    but rescue us from the evil one.

If you have been in church for any amount of time, or even if you haven’t, you have more than likely heard or memorized today’s scripture where Jesus is teaching his disciples how to pray. We teach this to our kids, and we say it in our own life, but why do you think Jesus is asking us to specifically pray this way?

Jesus is specifically directing us to pray this way because He wants us to align ourselves with God and to continually seek His will for our lives. He begins the prayer by asking that we keep the name of God holy, and that we hold His name above every other name. That way, we ensure with our words and our actions, we represent the name of God well.

He goes on to tell us that we should pray for the kingdom of God to come to earth as it is in heaven. The way this is accomplished is for those who claim to be His disciples to live their life in a way that others see the light of Jesus and are drawn to Him. What is it today in your life that God is calling you to do to play your part in bringing His kingdom to earth as it is in heaven?

Friend, in closing I believe the common theme through this scripture is God wants, in all areas of life, to point us back to praying and communicating with Him. So that when the storms of life come, when the temptation seems too great, when life feels like it is completely out of control, we go to God in prayer. But do not go just during those times, but every other time in between. Pray that you will take time throughout your day to connect with the One who is in control of it all. What do you need to change in your life, to make sure prayer is a part of your everyday practice so you can continue to grow closer and closer to Him?

You can use the prompts below to start that communication with God and grow closer to Him.  

Lord, show me where in my life I began to trust my own abilities and forgot that You are the source I need to rely on for my strength…

Lord, remind me daily that my time with You must be the highest priority in my life…

Friend, my hope is that in all situations and decisions you face each day, you take them in prayer to the God who has the power to speak the world into existence and the power to work in any situation you are going through.

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