721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Posture of Prayer

We are purposed to set aside Sundays at the Tree Church Daily as a special time to engage our hearts and minds in worship, prayer, and fellowship. It is a day to devote to God, and for seeking His will for our lives. This involves praying and asking the Holy Spirit to speak His truth to us. As you start your day, let’s pray…
Heavenly Father, You are my strength and refuge from this chaotic world we live in. Without You, I would be lost. I am so grateful for Your loving support and protection. Holy Spirit, thank You for always being here for me, and for helping me understand that all I need to do to feel Your presence is to be honest, open, and genuine when I look for You. Amen.
Last week, our focus was primarily on the purpose of prayer. This week, we will look at the posture we need to take when we go to God in prayer. Prayer is vitally important to our relationship with God, and for our overall well-being. We should never enter prayer with the wrong posture. When we pray, we should:

  • Have the right attitude
  • Be humble
  • Earnestly seek God’s presence
  • Be genuine
  • Seek God’s will, not our own

If we have not properly prepared ourselves, or if our minds are distracted when we pray, we may find God feels distant or not present at all. God is there for us, but we must be in the right frame of mind to truly feel His presence.

As we prepare this week to learn more, take a few moments to consider the following questions. Write your thoughts in a journal, record them on a voice recorder, or just spend some quiet time reflecting on what comes to mind.

When you pray, do you ever ask God to do things for you? Do you ever feel like you are asking God to bless your will for your life, and not what He wants for you?

Have you ever gone to God in prayer when you are angry or upset? Do you ever use prayer to release your anger or disappointment?

Today, as you prepare to pray, make sure you have adopted a posture that will be pleasing to God. Share your thoughts and concerns and be genuine with Him. Listen to what He has for you. If needed, use the following prompts to help you get started. Don’t rush your time with God; take as much time as you need.

God, I love You, and I am so grateful for Your love and the grace You give me every day…
Holy Spirit, help me to always come to You with a humble heart, and a desire to understand what You want for me…

At church, and throughout your day, reach out to God and seek His presence. Approach Him with a humble heart and a desire to follow His will for your life.

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