721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

In All You Do

To trust is to be vulnerable. This isn’t a comfortable feeling, and can elicit many fears. Yet, God calls us to trust Him in all that we do. His ways are higher and our understanding is limited. Seeking Him and His will in prayer, and putting all our trust in Him, will lead us in the direction He wants us to go and into the full life He desires for us.

Before we begin, let us pray and invite God into our hearts and minds.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your living word, and for all the ways You reveal Yourself to me. Thank You for Your promises, Your reassurances, and Your faithfulness. Please fill me with peace, joy, and faith as I place all my cares on You. Thank You, God, that I can trust You with all of my heart, and for guiding me in every way. In Jesus' name, amen.

Proverbs 3:5-7 (NLT)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;

    do not depend on your own understanding.

6 Seek his will in all you do,

    and he will show you which path to take.

7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.

    Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

I have spent my entire life priding myself in being able to figure things out. I would be described as a type A personality, which many would call a control freak. I could make things happen. Then life presented me with something bigger than I could figure out on my own: a cancer diagnosis, one that went from stage 1 to stage 4. God can “shake us to wake us,” and how we respond will make all the difference. I had a choice to trust myself and this world, or to put all my trust in Him. Who are you trusting when your world gets shaken? Yourself, the world, or the most powerful, all-knowing God who loves you and is for you?

Early in this journey, I believed I was trusting God, but after a powerful conversation with my husband my eyes were opened. I was not. I was a stage 6 clinger. I was desperately seeking and asking God all the time whether I was healed, if He loved me, and for confirmations instead of resting in His plan.

I trust my husband, and because of that, I don’t ask him repeatedly if he loves me. I know he does. Trust brings feelings of security, rest, and peace. If you aren't experiencing peace, then you are not trusting. God still loves me in my stage 6 clinger moments, but now I know when I feel this way, it’s time for me to hit my knees, seek Him in prayer, and KNOW that He loves me. God wants us to rest in Him, to trust His plan and His timing. Are you trusting God in all you do, or are you anxious, worried, and still trying to figure things out for yourself?

You have control of your thoughts, your actions, and your obedience. You can actively choose to put all your trust in Him, cast ALL your worries and cares upon Him, and watch Him show up in your life with miracles both big and small. He is a miracle-working God who keeps His promises. You need to do your part by spending time with Him through prayer and studying His word. Are you spending time with God in prayer and seeking Him through His word? If not, how can you prioritize spending time with God?

God is faithful. He is faithful in the small things, and He is faithful in the big things! I'm a living memorial to His faithfulness, and I am so grateful that I put all my trust in Him. Applying this scripture can radically change your life in the midst of your circumstances, whatever they are. I challenge you to give it ALL to Him, and be amazed at what He does.

Take your fears and worries to God in honest prayer. Spend as much time as you need. Please use the following prompts if you need help getting started.

Ask God to help you to trust Him with all of your heart and to surrender everything to Him. You don’t have to figure anything out because God already has.

Ask God to help you remember that His ways are higher, and He will guide and direct your path.

I pray for you to know that God is trustworthy and faithful. May you surrender to Him in every way, and allow Him to direct your path. He is good and He is for you. May you feel His love and peace today as you trust Him in all you do.

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