A Prayer Room
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning just how important prayer is for a healthy and vibrant relationship with our Father. This week, we are learning that where you pray is also an important factor. Before we look closer at this topic, let’s start with a prayer.
Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for the ability to reach out to You and know You are listening when I come to You in prayer. Every day of my life, through the good and the bad, I have faith You are always there for me. Holy Spirit, continue to be with me and guide me through life with Your ever-present peace. Amen.
Matthew 6:5-6 (NLT)
5 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. 6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
When I read this passage of Scripture, I immediately thought of my nephew, who was learning to ride his little bike. As the adults stood talking, he rode by on his bike, calling out, “Look at me, look at me!” He was so excited about his accomplishment that he wanted everyone to acknowledge how great he was doing. Unfortunately, by looking back and calling to us, my nephew didn’t see the neighbor’s trash can! Have you ever seen a child act this way or did something for the attention of others yourself?
Praying alone or corporately at church or during a Bible study are all wonderful ways to feel the presence of God. Do you see the connection between corporate prayer with other believers and time spent alone in prayer? Both are done for the sole purpose of glorifying God, not to impress others.
Prayer is a reverent and deeply personal time, and it is vitally important for a believer to find space to be alone with God. A comfortable chair, space for reading and journaling, and a quiet place to pour out your thoughts, emotions, and praise for our Lord are something we all need. Some people have a prayer room reserved specifically for this private time, but anywhere you can be alone with God is really all you need. Do you have a dedicated place for your prayer time?
Never forget that any time you spend in prayer is a delight to God. You can pray in the car as you run errands, while taking a walk down your street, or anytime you find yourself alone. However, setting aside time solely for prayer is among the most intimate moments you can spend with our Father. He will reward you with peace, fulfillment, and love beyond measure.
As you consider this message, I hope you will seek out a special place to have your prayer time. As you pray today, feel free to use these prompts to help you get started:
Father, I love You, and I ask You to help me develop a more meaningful relationship with You through prayer…
Holy Spirit, help me to desire and seek Your presence whenever I am alone…
As you go through your day, I pray you seek God whenever you have a private moment.
Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for the ability to reach out to You and know You are listening when I come to You in prayer. Every day of my life, through the good and the bad, I have faith You are always there for me. Holy Spirit, continue to be with me and guide me through life with Your ever-present peace. Amen.
Matthew 6:5-6 (NLT)
5 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. 6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
When I read this passage of Scripture, I immediately thought of my nephew, who was learning to ride his little bike. As the adults stood talking, he rode by on his bike, calling out, “Look at me, look at me!” He was so excited about his accomplishment that he wanted everyone to acknowledge how great he was doing. Unfortunately, by looking back and calling to us, my nephew didn’t see the neighbor’s trash can! Have you ever seen a child act this way or did something for the attention of others yourself?
Praying alone or corporately at church or during a Bible study are all wonderful ways to feel the presence of God. Do you see the connection between corporate prayer with other believers and time spent alone in prayer? Both are done for the sole purpose of glorifying God, not to impress others.
Prayer is a reverent and deeply personal time, and it is vitally important for a believer to find space to be alone with God. A comfortable chair, space for reading and journaling, and a quiet place to pour out your thoughts, emotions, and praise for our Lord are something we all need. Some people have a prayer room reserved specifically for this private time, but anywhere you can be alone with God is really all you need. Do you have a dedicated place for your prayer time?
Never forget that any time you spend in prayer is a delight to God. You can pray in the car as you run errands, while taking a walk down your street, or anytime you find yourself alone. However, setting aside time solely for prayer is among the most intimate moments you can spend with our Father. He will reward you with peace, fulfillment, and love beyond measure.
As you consider this message, I hope you will seek out a special place to have your prayer time. As you pray today, feel free to use these prompts to help you get started:
Father, I love You, and I ask You to help me develop a more meaningful relationship with You through prayer…
Holy Spirit, help me to desire and seek Your presence whenever I am alone…
As you go through your day, I pray you seek God whenever you have a private moment.
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