721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm


This week, we are peeling back the layers of what it means to pray without ceasing and devoting ourselves to a healthy prayer life. God longs to communicate with His family. That’s us!

Heavenly Father, I thank You for my blessings. Thank You for being so faithful and for the many memories of Your love I can reference in tough times. You knew I would be assigned this devotional, and You know the reader has been seeking guidance, too.  I pray You give us an attitude of prayer, especially when we feel like You are distant. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Colossians 4:2 (NLT)

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

Do you feel frustrated when you pray? Do you feel distant from Him or question the meaning of prayer?

Let’s turn it around and approach this with a spirit of introspection and vulnerability. We must understand the purpose of prayer, and we need to focus on Paul’s first two words here.

“Devote yourself”. This isn’t a suggestion. It’s God’s will for us.

We are to stay in constant fellowship and prayer with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 tells us to, “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” We need to push beyond the ponder, though. We need to actually put this into practice. He calls us to pray uninterruptedly and unwaveringly throughout the day. What comes to mind when you contemplate praying always? That’s a lot of prayer!

Research shows the average person has approximately 6,000 thoughts per day. Our capacity for thought is infinite, but our minds are often cluttered and occupied with the mess of the world. So how is it possible to pray unceasingly? We must first have a prayer mindset. Start the day with prayer. To calm ourselves, we take deep, deliberate breaths. We need to do this in prayer as well. Eventually, as our relationship with God strengthens, communication becomes easier. Our breaths don’t have to be so deliberate, and prayer becomes as innate as breathing.

DEVOTE: The enemy tempts us to think less of God and try to be self-sufficient. If we devote ourselves and commit to prayer, we live out our faith and His will. God is all knowing, loving, attentive, and He is always moving on our behalf. He is not a distant God. He knows us. Do you believe with all your heart that God hears our prayers? Do you pray before, during, and after each precious breath?

BE ALERT: Be ready because His plan will be revealed in His time. Being prepared demonstrates the posture of being alert. When you consistently check in with God throughout the day, you ignite devotion, which is ultimately the pathway to thankfulness.

GIVE THANKS: Be vulnerable with your story so others can feel safe in their vulnerability. Share with others how God has blessed you, even after you questioned His timing. Lean into people who are dedicated to Him. Show others how He has been faithful to you and cling to these memories together. God intended for the church body to thank Him and refresh each other. What has God revealed to you through prayer that has been helpful to others?

Prayer has a way of helping us become watchful and discern things that may trip us up. As you move through this week, I challenge you to acknowledge your blessings in constant prayer.

Father, show me ways to deepen my intimacy and communication with You…

God, help me to be ready to respond when You prompt me…

Remember, God’s power moves when we pray!

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