721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm


We know that God is always present; yet there are times where it feels like He is distant. Today we are looking at what could be preventing us from wholeheartedly seeking God. Before we get started, would you pray with me?

Lord, we know You promise to be with us always. I know there are times where it feels like You are distant, but I know You aren’t. Help me to see what makes me feel as if I am distant from You. I want to seek You with all my heart. Help me to see what may be keeping me from that. Amen.

Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)
13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

We know God promises us that whenever we seek Him, we can find Him. Yet there are many times where it feels like God is distant from us. We feel our prayers may not be answered, and that we will be stuck in the valley we are in. Yet we know the truth that God is always with us. So, there must be something making us feel like God isn’t working in our lives. Do you ever feel as if God is distant?

The backstory of today’s Scripture deals with the Israelites being captives in Babylon. They were in exile and felt as if God was not with them. Yet He told them if they were to look for Him wholeheartedly, they would find Him. In hard circumstances, it feels as if God may have abandoned or forgotten you. But that is not the case. We need to seek Him. Praise Him. Talk to Him. We can call upon God confidently, even in those hard circumstances. We have to want to know Him. Our hearts must be sincere. He will be found if we are truly seeking Him.

What may be distracting or preventing you from seeking Jesus with your entire heart? A promotion? More money? What are you seeking and going after instead of God?

God is never distant. We are. Maybe not on purpose, but we are allowing distractions to get in the way of our relationship with God. We must invite Him into each and every moment, circumstance, or situation. It is then that you are seeking Him wholeheartedly. When you realize that He needs to be in every moment, and He wants to be. When the things distracting you become the things you need to invite him into, let Him come alongside you in those distractions and allow Him to work. We are nothing without God. Everything we have is from Him. We need to continue to seek Him and allow Him to work in our lives and for His good. Seek Him wholeheartedly!

As you reflect on what distractions are keeping you from wholeheartedly seeking God, go to Him in prayer. He wants to meet you there and help you through each and every aspect of your life. Take some time now to talk with Him. Below are some prayer prompts to get you started if you need it.

Lord, help me see what may be distracting me from seeking you wholeheartedly…

God, I know what is distracting me. Help me to…

God, I invite you into my situation. I am not sure where to turn from here, but I know you are here with me…

I pray you are able to seek God wholeheartedly each and every day. I pray you are able to see Him even in the small things and know that He is good and will always be there when you call.

1 Comment

Tina Eden - September 27th, 2024 at 8:25am

This is a message I truly needed to read. Because I am going through things that I'm not sure how to handle. I am giving them to God



