721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Creating Space for the Holy Spirit

This week, we continue to study the ways in which we must prepare ourselves to follow Jesus. We will look at repentance today, but before we do, would you please join me in prayer.

Lord, I ask You to quiet my heart and mind as we dive into a truth that can transform my life and can help me to live the life You have called me to. During this time, help me examine my life for the things that are keeping me from being obedient to You. Give me the strength to repent of those things and turn to You, and the ways that You call me to live. Amen.

Acts 2:38-39 (NLT)
38 Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.”

When you think of the word repentance, what comes to mind for you? Is this a word that brings you feelings of guilt and shame? Is this a word that you associate simply in a church setting, or something that is done daily? Growing up in the church, I had a good idea what the word meant, and it does bring a level of guilt and shame. Repentance literally means “to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life.” Webster’s Dictionary goes on to say that it is a “feeling of regret” or to “change one’s mind.” With knowing the definition of the word, what do you think God is asking us to do?

God is asking each one of us to understand that we have sin in our life. He knows He has called us to a holy life, a life that is set apart from the way the world tells us to live. God is asking each one of us to examine our hearts, minds and souls and find those things that do not align with Him and ask for His forgiveness. However, in verse 38 of today’s passage, Peter does not stop at just asking forgiveness of our sins. He tells us we need to also turn to God. Peter knows that repentance, asking for forgiveness and the renewing of our minds, cannot be done on our own power. We need the power of God to be able to do these things. As we learned a few weeks ago, that power is found in our time in prayer, communicating with God, time in His word, and learning what God has to say about the situations we face each day. What can you change today to be able to make time with God a priority in your life?

I love that Peter gives these words from God, and then he gives the promise that comes with our obedience to this command. When we repent and turn to God, God will give us the Holy Spirit, to help lead us, guide us, and convict us of those things that do not align with what God calls us to do in our lives. God knew we could not do this on our strength and therefore He gave us the Holy Spirit so we can continually seek Him, and realize our strength comes from Him and Him alone. How might your life look different, if you started to live through the strength of God, instead of depending on your own strength?

Friend, what is in your life you feel God is convicting you of that does not align you with Him and His will for your life. Spend some time right now in prayer asking God to reveal to you what is keeping you out of alignment with Him. Then ask the Holy Spirit to bring you back to God and for the Holy Spirit to strengthen you through this process. You can use one of the prompts below to get started.

Lord, search my heart and mind right now for anything that does not align myself with You…

Lord, I need Your strength to be made perfect, in my areas of weakness…

Friend, I pray that you leave this time today with burdens lifted from you, knowing you are empowered by what the Holy Spirit is going to do in and through you.

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