721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm


Today, let’s prepare our hearts for what God wants to do during our time in worship. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us, show us what He’s doing now, and reveal what He wants to do in us. This means praying and asking Him to make us aware of His activity in our lives.

If you’re new to prayer and still figuring out how God speaks, pray the prayer below, expecting that God will meet you where you are.

Let’s pray…

Holy Spirit,
Will You meet me here today and bless me with Your presence? Will You make a way for me to hear Your voice and give me the strength, courage, and conviction to follow what You say? Where fear and anxiety hold me, set me free. Where confusion clouds me, bring clarity. Set my heart on You and let me live in the light of Your presence. Amen.

This week’s devotions focus on the importance of Baptism. Baptism is unique because it is a vitally important part of our discipleship. However, the act itself isn’t the end goal. Baptism is important because we follow Jesus in obedience, publicly declare our allegiance to Him, and commit ourselves to a community. While Baptism doesn’t save us (only Jesus does), it symbolizes our posture toward God and shows the spiritual reality of our death to our old life and the resurrection unto new life in the body of Christ.

This week should encourage those who have not yet been baptized to consider it. For those who have been baptized, it serves as a reminder of what we have been baptized into and should renew our desire for obedience to Christ, connection with Him, and commitment to the body of Christ.

Take 4-5 minutes to reflect on these questions, either in your mind or in a journal:

Why is it important to make a public expression of our inner faith?

Reflect on the three things that Baptism stands for: obedience to Christ, connection to Him, and commitment to the body of Christ. Which one is God challenging you in right now? What steps do you need to take to respond in obedience?

Close your time today by talking with God about your thoughts. Pray through the following prompt, and take as much time as you need:

Father, I don’t want to be baptized because… Will You meet me in this place?  

Jesus, Teach me obedience; it’s hard because…

Stay in this mindset of talking and listening to God. As you go to worship and teaching at church today, ask God to speak to you.

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