721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm
Set Apart for Relationship
September 25th, 2023
Exodus 19:3-6 (ESV)…while Moses went up to God. The Lord called to him out of the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the people of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen ...  Read More
by Molly Epler
Set Apart for Salvation
September 24th, 2023
Romans 5:6-11 (NLT) When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might ...  Read More
by Molly Epler
Then the World Will Know
September 23rd, 2023
“When we decide to put others first and join hands, we find a kind of security that no amount of ‘me, me, me’ can offer.”...  Read More
by Molly Epler
A Humble Heart
September 22nd, 2023
“Christ's self-emptying sacrifice exemplifies the kind of attitude we are called to embrace within our Christian community.”...  Read More
by Molly Epler
Built Up In Love
September 21st, 2023
“We are to take everything He gave us and do something with it, showing up with our best effort to multiply what He has provided.”...  Read More
by Molly Epler
Stronger Together
September 20th, 2023
“Taken in the context of today’s scripture, the phrase “More is Better” is absolutely the way Jesus wants us to live our lives!"...  Read More
by Molly Epler
One Body
September 19th, 2023
“To embrace the life you were designed to live, your individual focus must shift away from self, and toward serving the needs of others in ways uniquely suited to you.”...  Read More
by Molly Epler
September 18th, 2023
“The lesson here is that everyone needs to feel like they belong.” ...  Read More
by Molly Epler
September 17th, 2023
“We don’t have to self-actualize or be anything other than simply “His,” and we can learn this best in the context of godly, Christ-first relationships and community.” ...  Read More
by Molly Epler
The Difficulty and Blessing of Living a Romans 12 Life
September 16th, 2023
 You may notice that today’s reflection passage is the same scripture passage as yesterday. This is because sometimes it’s good to sit in the same verses for a period of time and invite the Holy Spiri...  Read More
by Molly Epler
Our Posture Towards Those That Hurt Us
September 15th, 2023
“Let us create a culture where we surprise others with goodness despite what they have done to us.”...  Read More
by Cheyenne Miller
Called to the Ministry of Reconciliation
September 14th, 2023
“We gave nothing of value, yet in this exchange, and through the blood of Jesus, we have been given EVERYTHING!”...  Read More
by Molly Epler