Proclaiming the Good News
“We can champion what Jesus has ‘published’ and become messengers of the good news!”
Isaiah 52:7 (ESV)
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
Have you ever been a part of a pep rally? The main objective is to inspire enthusiasm for an upcoming event. I remember in high school that pep rallies were held before big games to encourage the students to come support their classmates and cheer them on to victory. The cheerleaders were tasked with leading the cheers and building momentum in the crowd. The greater the number of students in attendance, the louder the cheers would be. We would chant:
“We are #1!”
“Go! Fight! Win!”
“We are the champions!”
We were creating energy, declaring victory, and instilling a confident hope in the players and ourselves.
In today’s reading, Isaiah is holding a pep rally of his own. He is building excitement and anticipation for the good things to come. Up to this point in scripture, a messenger wasn’t typically good news. But Isaiah creates energy when he describes the feet of the messenger. Have you ever seen someone try to run down a hill with urgency? Their whole body is involved! Arms, legs, feet - all working together to maintain balance and get to the destination quickly! Isaiah is doing much the same here when he creates energy, urgency, and hope for the message being delivered. His chant for the crowd is:
“Proclaim peace!”
“We are saved!”
“Your God reigns!”
This was invigorating news for a desolate Jerusalem!
I love the action that Isaiah uses in this verse. He begins by pointing out this message is meant to be spread: “How beautiful…the feet of him who brings good news” (verse 7a). Then Isaiah reveals the next action taking place: “publishes” (verse 7b). Webster’s Dictionary defines the word publish as being a verb meaning to “prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or readership.” Here, Isaiah is preparing Jerusalem for the coming of Jesus who will issue the good news of peace and salvation – a proclamation of hope and freedom - to all the world. The really beautiful part is that we can join this rally! We have seen this prophecy fulfilled! We can champion what Jesus has “published” and become messengers of the good news! We are meant to come running from our mountain top moments to encourage those in the valley of darkness. We are meant to rally crowds and energize the kingdom! “Our God reigns!”
Action Steps
Jesus, You are our great Defender, our Giver of peace, our Stronghold of happiness, and our Provider of true life. I ask You now to ignite the Holy Spirit’s fire in me and help it burn bright. I want to know Your peace, Your happiness, and Your freedom for all the days of my life. Help me to rally the crowds in every opportunity placed at my feet so that others might be encouraged and find Your truth. Amen.
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
Have you ever been a part of a pep rally? The main objective is to inspire enthusiasm for an upcoming event. I remember in high school that pep rallies were held before big games to encourage the students to come support their classmates and cheer them on to victory. The cheerleaders were tasked with leading the cheers and building momentum in the crowd. The greater the number of students in attendance, the louder the cheers would be. We would chant:
“We are #1!”
“Go! Fight! Win!”
“We are the champions!”
We were creating energy, declaring victory, and instilling a confident hope in the players and ourselves.
In today’s reading, Isaiah is holding a pep rally of his own. He is building excitement and anticipation for the good things to come. Up to this point in scripture, a messenger wasn’t typically good news. But Isaiah creates energy when he describes the feet of the messenger. Have you ever seen someone try to run down a hill with urgency? Their whole body is involved! Arms, legs, feet - all working together to maintain balance and get to the destination quickly! Isaiah is doing much the same here when he creates energy, urgency, and hope for the message being delivered. His chant for the crowd is:
“Proclaim peace!”
“We are saved!”
“Your God reigns!”
This was invigorating news for a desolate Jerusalem!
I love the action that Isaiah uses in this verse. He begins by pointing out this message is meant to be spread: “How beautiful…the feet of him who brings good news” (verse 7a). Then Isaiah reveals the next action taking place: “publishes” (verse 7b). Webster’s Dictionary defines the word publish as being a verb meaning to “prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or readership.” Here, Isaiah is preparing Jerusalem for the coming of Jesus who will issue the good news of peace and salvation – a proclamation of hope and freedom - to all the world. The really beautiful part is that we can join this rally! We have seen this prophecy fulfilled! We can champion what Jesus has “published” and become messengers of the good news! We are meant to come running from our mountain top moments to encourage those in the valley of darkness. We are meant to rally crowds and energize the kingdom! “Our God reigns!”
Action Steps
- What is your testimony? How has God moved specifically in your life?
- What are some ways you can “publish” what God has done in your life?
Jesus, You are our great Defender, our Giver of peace, our Stronghold of happiness, and our Provider of true life. I ask You now to ignite the Holy Spirit’s fire in me and help it burn bright. I want to know Your peace, Your happiness, and Your freedom for all the days of my life. Help me to rally the crowds in every opportunity placed at my feet so that others might be encouraged and find Your truth. Amen.

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