721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Never Satisfied

Ecclesiastes 5:10 (NIV)
Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.

My ten year old son is obsessed with being rich someday. He talks about money all of the time and how he wants to spend it once he gets it. I try to tell him that money is not everything in life. I want him to be successful, but also to find contentment whatever God’s plans are for him. I don’t want him always chasing the next dollar.
When looking at the book of Ecclesiastes, it contains so much valuable advice on many topics including money. But this advice is only effective if it is applied to our life. Part of living in our society is working to earn money to meet our daily needs. We work hard, put in the hours, and earn a paycheck. We all know this, and it has become a part of our everyday life. This is healthy and how God intended it. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters (Colossians 3:23).
However, God never tells us to pursue more and more money to gain an abundance of wealth. In Luke 12, Jesus tells a parable about a rich man yielding a large harvest, which causes him to build larger storage barns to house his crops. The man thinks he is now set for life and can take it easy, eat, drink, and party. But God tells him that he has made a big mistake and that he is going to die before he enjoys any of it. His entire wealth was gone in an instant. The man hoarded riches for himself, but was never generous toward God. Jesus warns anyone that stores up wealth for themselves and never thinks of God will receive the same fate.
Being “rich” doesn’t necessarily mean an easy, laid-back life either. Most people I have met who have acquired a lot of wealth have worked hard to obtain it. Having an abundance of money is not bad; great things have been accomplished with large bank accounts. It just should never be your only purpose in life. If God has blessed you financially, then bless others. God always continues to give to those who He can trust with more (Matthew 25:14-30). Let us be generous with what God has allowed us to have!
Action Steps
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Where or what do you find your worth in? What defines you?
2. Could you be content if you lost your savings or 401K tomorrow?
3. If God asked you to be outrageously generous with your money, would you?
Heavenly Father, You are good! Thank You for Your generosity with me. Help me to be smart with my finances and show me where to invest into Your Kingdom. I want to please You. Show me where I’m spending my money wisely and where I can make better decisions that will impact my family and friends. I want the people in my life to know You as their Savior! Amen.

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