721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

What Are You Pursuing?

2 Timothy 2:22 (NLT)

Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.


When Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, it is believed that the latter was an unmarried man in his mid-thirties. This specific verse contains two commands to Timothy. The first is to run away from evil, and the second is to run toward holy things.

There are three terms I want to define in order to better understand this verse.
1. Stimulate: encourage interest or activity in
2. Lust: sexual desire
3. Righteous living: to conduct your life in a way that reflects the Lord

Now let’s plug these definitions back in to our verse.

Run from anything that encourages your interest in sexual desires. Instead, pursue living your life in a way that reflects the Lord, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.

Our culture is obsessed with sex. It is used in advertisements to sell products and services. It is used heavily for entertainment purposes. Our culture believes that sex outside of marriage is normal, and in turn, believes there is nothing wrong with the way it is displayed and promoted. Culture believes we should all be pursuing sex.

But just as Paul warned Timothy, we are commanded to run away from anything that would even lead to a lustful thought. So, what does this look like in your life? Stop consuming explicit content. This includes movies, books, TikTok, YouTube videos, music, etc. Anything that changes your heart and mind to desire sex outside of the boundaries God has established.

Instead, consume content that honors God. Consume the things that leave you feeling full of peace, joy, and love. Desire to live a life that reflects your love of God. Pursue relationships with people who also run from evil. Find other believers to create a space of honesty and accountability.

God wants good things for your life, but you have to be willing to pursue holy things and flee from everything else. Running away from the things that everyone else is running toward is hard, but it is what God is commanding.

Action Steps

Evaluate the content you are consuming. What is leading you toward lustful thoughts and away from righteous living?

Stop consuming it!

God, we thank You for Your commands. We thank You for the love in each one of them. Today, we ask that You help us turn from evil things and run toward You. Running away from the things that everyone is running toward is hard, but we know that You will help us. We ask You to guard our hearts and minds from lustful thoughts. Give us the courage and strength to change our ways to obey You. It is in Your name that we pray, amen.

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