721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm


Isaiah 46:8-10 (NLT)

“Do not forget this! Keep it in mind!
    Remember this, you guilty ones.
Remember the things I have done in the past.
    For I alone am God!
    I am God, and there is none like me.
 Only I can tell you the future
    before it even happens.
Everything I plan will come to pass,
    for I do whatever I wish.”


I’ve laughed until I’ve cried many times over the last few weeks. Over the holiday season I’ve had the blessing of being around my immediate family, extended family, and close friends. During each of these get-togethers, there always comes a point where we end up remembering funny stories and memories from years past . . . thus the laughing until crying happy tears!  

Remembering is a powerful tool. It can bring laughter, but it can also have other powerful implications. In our passage today, God, through the prophet Isaiah, is telling His people to remember some specific things:

What God has done in the past:
Remembering God’s faithfulness helps us take steps of faith. God wants His people to remember the times He has provided, performed miracles, and kept His promises. When we take time to look back on our lives and see God’s faithfulness, we have the opportunity to not only be thankful but to be encouraged that God will be faithful in the future.  

That He alone is God:
It is good to remind ourselves that there is no one and nothing that compares to God. Nothing in our lives should be a priority over God or influence us more than God. He alone is worthy of our praise and honor. His ways should be what governs our lives. There is nothing that the world can offer that compares to our God.  

God’s wisdom and power:
God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and is in control. When we submit our lives to Him and make decisions that follow His word (the Bible), we can be at peace knowing that we are being guided through life by the Creator of life. We don’t have to have all the answers because we serve a God who does.  

It’s easy to get our priorities out of order. It’s easy to become so busy with life that we forget to take time to remember foundational truths about God. As we enter this new year and are faced with many decisions, let’s be purposed to remember who God is and, with thankful hearts, remember His faithfulness.

Action Steps

1. Make a list of five ways God has been faithful to you over the course of your life.
2. Think about a decision you need to make soon. How does God’s faithfulness in your past (your answers to question number one) encourage you or impact the decision you need to make?

God, I recognize that You are all-powerful and all-knowing. I recognize that nothing happens that is outside of Your control. Thank You for being a God I can trust and a God who is faithful.  Help me to be purposed to remember Your faithfulness and to take the steps of faith that You are calling me to take. Amen.

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