721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Open Your Eyes

Sunday at Tree Church Daily is a day to prepare for gathering together to worship God. We need the Spirit to lead us and show us what He is doing currently, and what He wants to do in us. This involves praying and asking Him to allow us to be aware of His activity in our lives.  

If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to you, pray along with the prayer below, expecting that God will meet you where you are.  

Let’s pray…

Holy Spirit,
I need you to open my eyes to the things You are doing in my everyday life. I need to shift my perspective and trust Your ways. You know and understand the bigger picture for my life in ways that I cannot see. You are my help, my hope, and everything I need to find peace in this life. Please help me.

We are wrapping up the Verdict series this week by looking at one of the most important perspectives in our decision making…what we see with our physical eyes is not always all there is to a decision. The Bible presents the idea that another key aspect to consider is the spiritual. God calls us at times to make decisions that make no sense from the perspective of what we see and makes sense to us. Things like forgiving, instead of getting even. Being generous in a moment when you feel you should save. Some decisions only make sense based on the reality that God is faithful, and He is with us.

As you start to think about this idea, take 4-5 minutes to answer these questions in your mind or feel free to write them in a journal.

Have you ever felt called to make a decision that didn’t make sense on paper? How did that situation play out?

What can God bring to a situation that we don’t have ourselves?

Close your time today talking with God about your thoughts here. You can simply start by talking to Him, or you can use the following prompts to help you get started. Feel free to take as much time as you need.

God, will You show me what you are doing in…
Father, I need Your wisdom and guidance as I face…

Stay in this posture of talking and listening to God. As you go to your time of worship and teaching at church, ask God to speak to you today!

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