721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Clarity to Pain

We are purposed to set aside Sundays at Tree Church Daily as a special time to prepare our hearts and minds for worship, fellowship, and learning. We desire to feel the Holy Spirit working in our lives, guiding and leading us as we go about our day. We know that through prayer and corporate worship, we will feel His presence and His love.  
If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray along with the prayer below and the expectation that you will feel the presence of God.    
Let’s pray…
Holy Spirit,
Thank You for Your unfailing love and for the grace You extend to me every day. Lord, open my heart and mind to what You have for me today. Help me soak up Your presence. Let me feel a tidal wave of Your love and strength. I want to do Your will, and I want to draw closer to You. Amen.

This week we are beginning a new series entitled The Clarity of the Cross: Finding Peace in the Mysterious Ways of God. In this first week we will be exploring how God helps us deal with pain in our lives. God knows there will be times that we will wrestle with our pain. He understands our pain, and we will be encouraged as we learn that God can use our pain, if we trust in Him.
As you contemplate this idea, take a few minutes to answer these questions, either in your mind or in a journal:
When you are going through a painful time, do you believe God is still with you? Do you trust that He understands what you are going through?

Do you believe you can get past your pain by leaning on God and allowing Him to show you the spiritual value of what you’re experiencing?

As you process through these questions, close your time today talking with God about what you are feeling. You can start by simply talking to Him, or you can use the following prompts to help you get started. Take as much time as you need to both talk to God and listen for His responses.
Father, sometimes when I am experiencing pain, I have trouble finding my way back to You…

Lord, give me the grace and strength to accept my here and now, including the painful moments…

As you prepare for a community time of worship, prayer, and teaching, stay in this posture of listening for what God has for you today. Reach out to God and let Him bless you with His encouraging presence.

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