721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Reflecting on the Psalms

Sundays at the Tree Church Daily are a day to prepare our hearts for what God wants to do through corporate worship. We need the Spirit to lead us and show us what He is doing currently and wants to do in us. This involves praying and asking Him to allow us to be aware of His activity in our lives.  

If you are new to prayer and still trying to understand how God speaks to us, pray the prayer below, anticipating that God will meet you where you are.  

Let’s pray…

Holy Spirit,
Will You bring comfort and peace to my heart and mind today? Guide me through Your
word as You lead my day. As I hear You speak, help me to listen and follow! Allow my heart to be drawn into worship as I see the depth of Your love for me. Amen.

This week at the Tree Church Daily, we will be exploring a set of readings out of the Psalms. The Psalms have been the heart of worship and devotion for the people of God since they were formed and collected. They express the full spectrum of human life as we strive to live in light of God’s faithfulness. As you read, reflect, and explore each of the Psalms this week, know that you share in the worship of the people of God throughout time and space and that God is still working and moving in the hearts and minds of His people.

As you start to think about this idea, take 4-5 minutes to answer these questions in your mind or feel free to write them in a journal somewhere.

How can your everyday life be a place of worship and devotion?

How can our corporate worship fuel your everyday worship?

Close your time today talking with God about your thoughts here. You can simply start by talking to Him or you can use the following prompts to help you get started. Feel free to take as much time as you need.

God, I don’t often feel like worshipping because…  please remind me of Your faithfulness!

Stay in this posture of talking and listening to God. As you go to your time of worship and teaching at church, ask God to speak to you today!

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