721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Our Firm Foundation

This week, we have been pursuing the deep understanding that it takes both obedience and surrender to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Yesterday, we examined the words of eternal life, and today, we will be discovering the significance of Jesus being our strong foundation. As we read through today’s passage, we should consider the importance of continually striving for a deeper relationship with Christ. Please quiet yourself before our Savior Jesus Christ as we open our time in prayer.

Most precious Jesus, I thank and praise You for the sacrifice You made for me. Your word is most holy to me. I ask that You open my heart to learn, as You teach me how I can live my life building on the firm foundation found only in relationship with You and Your living word. Amen.

Matthew 7:24-29 (NLT)
24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. 26 But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. 27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”

28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29 for he taught with real authority—quite unlike their teachers of religious law.

As believers, we never want to risk building our spiritual house on something as soft as sand. This life would look like an occasional prayer, coming to church to be with other believers just off and on, and maybe opening our Bibles to read a verse now and then. When disaster strikes, our house will collapse with us inside, not knowing what to do. Do you know anyone who would risk living like this?

A spiritual house built on bedrock is Jesus' desire for each of us. However, He will not force this desire on us. We must look to Him in prayer, read and study His word, obey and surrender to Him. We need to persevere daily. We need to take the initiative to develop a building plan with Jesus as the foundation. Do you have your building plan in operation?

Our walk with God is a daily journey. He is always present and never takes a day off. Sadly, I have endured periods of building my house on a solid rock foundation, only to begin taking a day off here and there from my daily reading and prayer. I found out what is commonly known as the hard way that the building should never stop. This is a lifetime process. Is time in prayer and in God’s word first on your daily agenda? Is God on your daily calendar?

As we close our time, please go to God in reflective and honest prayer, asking Him to show you how your house and its foundation are coming along. Here are a couple of thoughts to get you started.

Having a firm foundation should give us the desire to share God’s love and serve others. Is your foundation reaching out to others?

Talk to God honestly about your struggles. Ask Him to give you the tools needed to deepen your personal foundation with Jesus.

May you experience the love of Christ in your life today.

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