721 N. Memorial Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 // Main Service: Sunday 9 & 11am // Movement Youth Sunday 5:30pm

Divine Submission

As our Creator, God has provided guidance through His word on what not to do, but more importantly, He’s provided an example of how to live an abundant life on earth and in heaven. Yesterday, we took a look at obeying. Today, let’s consider what it means to submit to the example set by Jesus for our lives.  

Lord, thank you for the perfect plan You have in place for my life. Please grant me the strength, faith and wisdom to follow it. Fill me with insight into and understanding of the example provided by the life and perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for my sins. Help me to follow Your will and not my own. Amen.

John 6:38 (NLT)  
38 For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.

We have a toddler endlessly toddling up and down, here and there, and into everything. My wife and I spend much of our time instructing him about things NOT to do.

“Don’t touch that — hot!”

“Oh no! Don’t put your fingers in THERE!”

“Gross…please, sweet merciful heavens do not ever lick that!”

As parents, it is our hope that our toddler learns, for his sake, to obey these direct and urgent commands. Can you recall examples in your life when you have had a list of rules you were commanded to follow? How did you respond?

We also have two older children, and while there are still things to instruct them not to do, we are finding it is often more valuable to serve as parental examples of how to live. If the good example is adopted, the not-to-dos naturally follow. Can you think of a good example in your life you’ve been inspired to follow? How did it impact you?

Often, it seems, Christians and non-Christians alike regard the Bible as a list of rules we are directed to obey. In reality, though, it is much more about a loving example we can choose to adopt and submit to in order to carry out the will of our Almighty Creator.

The list of items on this checklist is short: we exist to do the will of God, not our own will. In the great beauty and mercy of a plan implemented by God, Jesus came to earth to model this example of divine submission perfectly for us, with the ultimate goal of facilitating and guiding us to the boundless joys of heaven. What do you believe God’s hope is for you with regard to following His will? What steps would it take for you to pursue God’s request for you to submit to His will?

Take some time to think through these questions, praying about them and sincerely opening your heart and mind to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, help me to become a true disciple of Jesus by striving for His perfect example of submission.

Lord, give me wisdom and understanding of Your ways as I navigate the challenges of this life. Help me to do so in accordance with Your will.

Lord, help me to trust You and Your ways for my life, rather than my own will and desires.

I sincerely hope you can rejoice in this day, crafted for you by our Lord.

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